Sunday, January 24, 2021


 New Testament BIBLE STORY


by Keith Hunt

Written for adults

ACTS One - Jesus Ascends to Heaven




The following introduction to the book of Acts is taken from the

New KJV Personal Study Bible, published by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

1990, 1995.


     This book, tracing the origins of the Christian church, is

sometimes called "The Acts of the Holy Spirit" because of the

Spirit's activity throughout. If has also been called "The Gospel

of the Spirit." It may, with some justification, be termed "The

Acts of Peter and Paul" because of the prominence given to these

two leaders. The book is indispensable to our understanding of

Christian beginnings. It presents Rome as the guardian of law and

order, a situation which often worked to the advantage of Paul

and the gospel (16:38; 25:11). The sermons recorded indicate the

way the Good News was presented to Jews (2:14-39), to Gentiles

(13:5-47), and to a more sophisticated audience (17:16-31). The

gospel was first preached to Jews in the synagogue, then to

Gentiles (see 13:46: 19:9).


     The Book of Acts is the second of a two-volume set, both

addressed to Theophilus and written by one of Paul's associates

named Luke "the beloved physician" (Col.4:14). The first volume

is the Gospel of Luke. Evidence points to Philippi as Luke's

home. Some conjecture that he was the "man of Macedonia" who, in

a vision, sought help from Paul (16:9). The author of Acts was a

companion of Paul in many of his journeys, as implied by his use

of "we" (e.g., 16:1(1). He was also with Paul during his

imprisonment in Rome (see 2 Tim.4:11).

     The date is less easily determined. The author probably

concluded his account two years after Paul's imprisonment in

Rome, about A.D.63 (28:3(11.


     Luke's Gospel closed with emphasis on the ascension of the

risen Christ (21:50-53): Acts opens with special attention to

this important event in Christian history (1:1-11). The eleven

apostles, and many other believers, were joyous after witnessing

the Ascension. Yet they were at a loss to know what to do next,

other than selecting a successor to Judas. All this mingling of

hope and uncertainty vanished at Pentecost. 

     Henceforth, with courage and power, they gave witness to

their conviction that Jesus was alive. Their claim was confirmed

by undeniable miracles performed in His name (4:14). The witness

of these Christians brought consternation to persons responsible

for Jesus' death. Those who killed Him thought they had disposed

of Him. Now His authority and power were stirring Jerusalem more

than ever. There was intense opposition led by Saul of Tarsus and

the rulers in Jerusalem. Yet the gospel spread rapidly to Judea,

Samaria, and the entire Mediterranean world.


     The entire Book of Acts is an expansion and fulfillment of

the promise in 1:8 - "you shall be witnesses ... in Jerusalem.

Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

     Following the Ascension in rapid succession are Pentecost

and the birth of the church, as distinct from a mere Jewish sect.

Thousands of Jews became believers. The Good News was taken to

the Samaritans and to the "God-fearers" (see 10:2; 11:19,20) in

Caesarea and Antioch. Paul's strategy focused on Gentile

evangelism (13:46). Then came the decision about circumcision

(15:1-29), the planting and nourishing of new communities of

believers, Paul's arrest, his trip to Rome, and his ministry

while in prison. Throughout the book, as reflected in the

sermons, there is emphasis on the activity of the Holy Spirit and

the power of Jesus' resurrection.


     Luke 1:3,4 offer a clue to the author's purpose: to provide

"an orderly account ... that you may know the certainty of those

things in which you were instructed." Luke was a researcher and

chronicler of events for the benefit of his friend Theophilus and

for the general reader. His purpose was to inform and confirm the

faith of believers, as well as to win converts to what was first

called "the Way" (9:2).


ONE. The gospel to the Jews: 1:1-9:43

A. Speaking the word with

boldness: 1:1-5:42 

1. Ascension: Judas replaced: 1:1-26 2. 

2. The Spirit's coming: 2:1-47 

3. The apostles' witness: 3:1-4:31 

4. Gamaliel's warning: 4:32-5:42 

B. The deacons: 6:1-8:40 

1. Hebrews versus Hellenists: 6:1, 2

2. Seven deacons chosen: 6:3-7 

3. Stephen, the first martyr: 6:8-7:60 

4. Philip, the evangelist: 8:1-10

C. Saul converted: 9:1-:31

D. Aeneas healed:9::32-35

E. Dorcas raised to life: 9:36-43

TWO. The gospel to God-fearers: 10:1-12:25


A. Cornelius converted: 10:1-48

B. Peter's defence: 11:1-18

C. Antioch evangelized: 11:19-30

D. Peter released from prison: 12:1-25

THREE. The gospel to the Gentiles: 13:1-21:16

A. First missionary journey: 13:1-14:28

1. Departure to Cyprus: 13:1-12

2. Mission in Antioch of Pisidia: 13:13-52 

3. In Iconium, Lystra, Derbe: 14:1-28

B. Conference in Jerusalem: 15:1-35 

C. Second missionary journey: 15:36-18:22 

1. Paul revisits young churches: 15:36-16:8

2. On to Macedonia: 16:9-17:14

3. Ministry in Athens: 17:15-34 

4. Church planting in Corinth: 18:1-22


D. Third missionary journey: 18:23-21:16 

1. Victory in Ephesus: 18:23-19:22 

2. Riot in Ephesus: 19:23-41 

3. Journey to Jerusalem: 20:1-21:16 

FOUR. The gospel from Jerusalem to Rome:  21:17-28:31

A. Paul on trial: 21:17-23:32 

B. Defense before Felix: 23:33-24:27

C. Defense before Festus: 25:1-21 

D. Defense before Agrippa: 25:22-26:32 

E. Voyage to Rome: 27:1-28:16 

F. Paul's prison witness in Rome: 28:17-31


End Quote

     Luke links what he reported in his Gospel (that bears his

name) to what he is now going to report.

     He writes to a man named Theophilus, which name means

"friend of God."  He was probably a prominent Gentile believer,

who may have indeed assisted Luke in his research (see Luke

1:3,4). He is addressed as "most excellent" in Luke 1:3. The same

Greek title of respect is used for Felix (24:3) and Festus

(26:25) where it is translated "most noble." In this

introduction, as in the content of both the Gospel and Acts, Luke

envisions a wide audience including the entire Gentile world. 

(Taken from the commentary in the NKJV Personal Study Bible,

mentioned above).

     Luke tells us that Jesus had showed Himself alive after His

passion of death by MANY infallible proofs. He was again with His

disciples, but in resurrected glory form. He could appear to them

as flesh and bone - they could touch Him. He appeared to the

disciples as they gathered together in the evening of the first

day of the week after Jesus had risen from the dead (John 20:19).

Then again, eight days later, when Thomas (who had for some

reason, not explained to us,  missed the appearing of Jesus to

the disciples eight days before) was there, congregated with the

other disciples; Jesus came and stood in the midst of them. John

tells us the doors were shut. This is a clear instructive note to

us, informing us that Jesus now had the power to walk through

walls....a kind of "beam me up" from Star Trek movies. As Jesus

told us in John 4:24, God is "Spirit" - that is He is made not of

matter, in His glorified form, but made of "spirit" - He and the

angels live in a different dimension from us - a spirit

dimension. They are made from spirit atoms shall we say. We are

atoms also when we get right down to it. But somehow those atoms

become physical as we know physical, then they become cells and

so we are physical cells. Those cells keep replenishing

themselves as we eat and drink, and we live, until for whatever

reason, those cells or part of those vital cells stop living, and

we die.

     With God, His cells are "spirit" - everlasting, they do not

ever die, they are eternal. But because God is the creator of

matter as we know it, He can IF He so chooses transform Himself

INTO physical matter of flesh and bone (no need for blood to keep

Him alive for He is already eternal). He is still eternally alive

even when in the physical form. Shall we say He has eternal

physical atoms, when in the physical form. 

     It's somewhat hard for our brains to understand all what

I've just stated, but one day, as the apostle Paul said, we shall

KNOW just as we are known.

     So Jesus appeared to His disciples, and Thomas was there at

that time (see John 20:26). Thomas had doubted that Jesus was

again alive, as others had told him. So Jesus instructed him to

touch Him, to put his finger into the nail holes in His hands and

to put his hand into the hole in Jesus' side, where, as we saw in

the last chapters of the Gospels, a soldier had thrust a spear

into Jesus, that was the final slaying blow that killed the Son

of God on the cross.

     Thomas did as Jesus instructed and then with a wild

emotional cry, shouted out, "O my Lord, and my God" (John 20:21).

Yes, we need to note carefully that Jesus is not only LORD, but

also GOD!

     Now God is God, or the Father God is God, but here we see

that Jesus is God also. May seem a little confusing, but when you

understand that the New Testament especially, shows that the

Godhead is made up of TWO individual persons, one being the

one called "Father" - the one Jesus spoke to and spoke about,

during His ministry in the flesh, and the other being is Jesus

the Christ, who was raised from the dead to the God level of

existence and power, then what many think is a mystery is really

no mystery at all. 

     There are TWO God beings that make the ONE Godhead (remember

we read in the Gospels that Jesus said, "I and my Father are

ONE") and we know from the very first chapters of Genesis that

God can call TWO as ONE....a man and a woman God said, leave

their father and mother, they join together in marriage, and

become ONE. They remain as TWO individual beings, but become AS

ONE. They often have ONE name, we may know them as Mr. and Mrs.

Jones or Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Two individuals both having the same



     So the Father is God and Jesus is God also (see John chapter

one). Sometimes in the New Testament the word "God" is used as a

proper name for the Father, and sometimes it is used as a name or

title for the Godhead, the context of the verses will tell

HOW it is being used. Sometimes the context will tells us it is

used for Jesus, just as John 20:28 tells us.

     Jesus is God, but NOT God the Father, God the Father is God,

but NOT Jesus.

     They are TWO individual separate spirit bodied beings. Two

that make ONE Godhead.

     The New Testament makes this VERY CLEAR, just read it for

what it is and says, and simply let it tell you this very basic

truth. The Godhead CAN be understood, it is not a mystery. 


     Jesus did MANY other signs in the presence of His disciples

that are not recorded for us, John said in verse 30 of chapter 20

of his Gospel. Enough signs are recorded for us that we may

BELIEVE that Jesus was and is the Christ, the Son of God, and

believing we might have eternal life through Him (verse 31).

Jesus told Thomas that they were BLESSED who would not physically

see Jesus but yet BELIEVE (John 20:29).

     When Jesus returns in glory, then all the thousands down

through the centuries who have believed but have never seen in

person the Christ, WILL SEE Him, and one day we shall SEE the

FATHER as promised in Revelation 22:1-5.

     John records more about Jesus appearing to His disciples in

John chapter 21. You may like to read this section again before

continuing in Acts. Jesus gave instruction that His disciples

should not depart from Jerusalem, but to wait there for the

promise of the Holy Spirit to be poured out on them with power

(Acts 1:4-5). He told them they would not have to wait very long.


     Acts 1:6 reads as if it was only on one occasion that the

disciples asked Jesus if it was at this time that the Kingdom

would be restored to Israel? But the Greek tense used means it

was a question asked more than once at different times (we can

think of it as not one continuous line but as a broken length of

line, stretching over a period of time). The disciples knew the

basics of many Old Testament prophecies that foretold of God's

Kingdom on earth and Israel as a leading nation under the

Messiah, to finally set the right example of living for all other

nations of the earth. They often wanted to know from Jesus, if

those prophecies would be fulfilled in their life time, during

that time in which they were living.  Obviously Jesus had never

told them that all would come to pass in their life time, so they

asked one more time this question, before He was taken up into


     Jesus finally told them that it was NOT for THEM to know the

seasons and times of those prophecies, which God had determined

to bring to fruition. They were to receive the Holy Spirit with

POWER and to be witnesses for Jesus, in the area of Jerusalem,

Judea, Samaria, and even unto the uttermost parts of the earth

(Acts 1:6-8)

     This does NOT mean that SOME in the last days will not know

the times and the seasons of God's prophecies. Some things were

just not to be understood by some of God's children in their day.

Daniel was told that some of the things he wrote about, under

inspiration of God's Spirit, and from direct contact with angels

sent to him, were sealed and closed up UNTIL the time of the end,

and at the time of the end some would understand (see Daniel

12:4, 8-10). The book of Revelation had not yet been written

when Jesus was about to ascend to heaven in front of His

disciples, and that book contains many end time prophecies, that

do tell us about the times and the seasons of God's restoration

of all things and the Kingdom of God to come on earth. 

     It was not for Jesus' disciples of 30 A.D. (the year Jesus

died and ascended to heaven) to understand those prophecies.



     At the time Jesus spoke those words and answered their often

asked question, while they were watching Him, He began to rise 

up from the earth. They stood there in dumb silent amazement, as

Jesus moved up higher and higher from them. Then a cloud came 

and He was engulfed in its fine white midst, and lifting up with Him,

He was soon out of their sight. They were transfixed with

wonderment, some with mouths open, some with a puzzled look 

on their faces, all were astonished and wondering what the whole

scene could possibly mean. Was Jesus working another miracle to

prove again that He was the very resurrected Son of God? Would 

He all of a sudden just appear in their midst and walk away with


     As they were questioning what was happening, two angels, 

or as Luke puts it, two men in white apparel, stood by them, and

then gave them the answer to their questioning minds.

     "Ye men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven?

This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so

come in like manner, as you have seen Him go into heaven."

     The disciples now knew that Jesus was gone from them and

from earth. They knew He would not be back that day or the next

day. They knew He was gone until He should come again with clouds

in the glory of God, to establish the Kingdom and to restore

Israel. They did not know WHEN that would be....would it be in

their life time? They probably thought it would be, but they did

not know for sure. They knew Jesus wanted them to remain in

Jerusalem until empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:9-11).


     After Jesus had ascended into heaven from the mount called

Olivet which was about a Sabbath day's journey from Jerusalem,

they returned back into that city (Acts 1:12).

     A Sabbath day's journey was about two-thirds of a mile,

according to old Jewish history.  You can read the entire Old

Testament and you will never find "a Sabbath day's journey"

mentioned. It is not in the books of Moses (the first five books

of the Old Testament). It was never a law of the Lord, and should

never be thought of as a law coming from God. It was one of the

hundreds of Jewish laws and rules that was invented by the

Pharisees, to try and hedge around the Sabbath, so people in

their religious view would be observing the weekly Sabbath day

"holy" and "righteously." But as Mark 7 shows us, Jesus saw

through all these man-made commandments passed off as God's

righteousness. He threw them aside and told the Pharisees they

taught traditions that often nullified the true righteousness and

true commandments of God.

     This verse is a lesson in Bible reading. Here Luke just

reports a fact based on human customs of the day ... that the

mount of Olivet was about the distance from Jerusalem that a

"tradition" of the religious Pharisees deemed was "a Sabbath

day's journey" or the distance that the Pharisees taught was the

furthest a person should walk on the Sabbath day. Luke does not

enter it as a "law of God" - he simply uses a tradition

of the time to tell his readers the distance Olivet was from

Jerusalem. We need to be careful when reading the Bible, and

realize that sometimes things are said with no bearing as to

making it a law of God, or as trying to make it true sin or true


     The disciples came again to Jerusalem. They went into an

upper room, where we are told abode Peter, James, John, Andrew,

Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, the son of Alphaeus,

and Simon the Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James. 

     We are told those mentioned "continued with one accord in

PRAYER and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of

Jesus, and with his brothers" (Acts 1:13-14).

     Who "the women" were Luke knows his readers knew, it was

common knowledge in Luke's day of writing the book of acts. We

today can only speculate. Mary the mother of Jesus was there as

well as Jesus' physical half brothers (we saw in the Gospels that

Mary and Joseph did have physical children between themselves

after Jesus had been born).

     By the day of Jesus' ascension into heaven His half brothers

had come to realize who HE really was - the Messiah - God in the

flesh, now made God in glory and power by a resurrection from the


     We notice here that all these people were together in an

upper room and continued in "prayer and supplication." This was

not a "bible study" with an opening and closing prayer. It was

what today is known as "a prayer meeting." Did they all take

turns in praying aloud? Did they all just pray quietly within

themselves? We are not told the details, but it was a time of

prayer. I guess so when you consider the events of the entire

40 day period Jesus had been with them, and the death and

resurrection just before those forty days. It was a very special

time, and prayer was indeed most fitting.


     Peter at this time, while there was about 120 disciples

present, told them that Judas Iscariot's ministry needed to be

replaced with another man. You may recall that in the Gospels

Jesus had promised that each of the 12 disciples would in the

Kingdom of God on earth, rule over a tribe of Israel, each ruling

one tribe. So indeed another man needed to replace Judas

Iscariot, who had hanged himself after realizing what it all led

to when he took the Pharisees and Temple guards to Jesus in the

garden of Gethsemane, on the Passover night of the 14th of the

first month (called Nisan in the Jewish calendar).

     Peter knew also that it was prophesied in the Old Testament

that another should replace Judas Iscariot. For he told them that

it was written in the Psalms, "Let his habitation be desolate,

and let no man dwell therein" and "his office let another take"

(Ps. 69:25; Ps.109:8).


     Judas had betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, then full

of remorse had throw the silver back at the Scribes and

Pharisees. They then decided to buy a field with it to bury

strangers in, as it was "blood money" and in their self-righteous

attitude they were not about to put it into the temple treasury.

All this can be seen by reading Matthew 27, starting in verse 5.

Also the death of Judas is described in somewhat of a vivid

manner. The field that was bought with the 30 pieces of silver

became known as the "field of blood" (Acts 1:15-20).

     Peter said to the 120 or so disciples present at this time,

"Of the men who have been with us through Jesus' ministry,

starting from the baptism of John unto the day He was taken up

into heaven, which one will you choose and appoint to be with us

twelve for a witness of Jesus' resurrection?" (Acts 1:21-22).

     It was needful that a man was chosen who had seen and been

with Jesus, as a basic constant disciple for the whole of Jesus'

earthy ministry. We saw as we went through the Gospels the fact

that there were a number of other persons - both men and

women - who were part of Jesus' overall constant following,

besides the inner core group of THE twelve disciples.

     The group of 120 disciples chose two men, one called Joseph

Barsabas, and surnamed Justus, and another called Matthias. We

are not told how this choosing was done, so the method is not

important, and would so allow for a variety of ways to so

determine who would be the final two men.

     We are told that when it came to deciding THE one of the two

who would replace Judas Iscariot, it was by some type of "lots"

they gave forth. Again what these "lots" were in specifics we are

not told, which once more leaves it open for different ways it

could have been done. You will notice PRAYER was employed. 

The "lot" fell to Matthias who them became one of the very 12

disciples, replacing Judas Iscariot.

     Should ALL decisions a "church" congregation (and this is

what we have here as put in modern language) is to make, be done

with a type of "lot"? No, not really. What we have here in this

account is a VERY SERIOUS and a very IMPORTANT disciple 

office to fill. This is a once in a life time decision for a group of

God's children to decide upon. Hence only God could make the

FINAL decision and the choosing of a man to be part of the 12

disciples who would one day, rule over a tribe of Israel in the

Kingdom of God, when Jesus returns to rule the earth for a

thousand years (the time commonly called "the millennium") 

as foretold in Revelation 20.

     Most "church decisions" will not be like this "once in a

life time" situation. If it ever is, then yes, it would be proper

that God must give the answer, through much prayer and some 

type of "lot" as given in this example of deciding which man 

would replace Judas Iscariot.

     Matthias was now numbered with the eleven apostles (Acts



March 2004

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