Friday, January 29, 2021



The Age of Mercy

Millions will see the light of God


Keith Hunt

     The mercy and grace of God has always been there in every

age of mankind. But there is coming an age when that mercy and

grace will be ABUNDANTLY given and shown in such a way as to

dumb-found the human mind.

     Many reading through the Bible miss the remarkable fact that

many if not most people on earth, have never been given the heart

and mind to REALLY understand God and His way to salvation and

eternal life.

     Even the Lord's chosen people of Israel could never

understand God in a true spiritual way that leads to salvation.

     Those people were BLINDED to spiritual perception. They

never had the heart of mind to understand the ways, the truths,

the deep things of God. They were never filled or led by God's

Spirit. They could not come to the Eternal and be His spiritual

children. They never had full mercy and grace shown to them. 

They were never SAVED and will NOT be in the resurrection 

to GLORY at the coming of Jesus back to this earth, as will those 

who were led by God's Spirit, were given spiritual understanding, 

under the Old Testament's ages (Adam to Noah, Noah to Abraham, 

Abraham to Moses, and Moses to the time of Jesus the Christ born 

as a human person).

     There are some very plain and straight-forward passages in

the books of Moses (specifically Numbers and Deuteronomy), 

which we shall now see.

     Moses called Israel together and told them about the time

when God made a Covenant with them 40 years earlier (Deut.5:1-5).

They at that time literally heard the voice of God, and could not

bear to have God talk to them. They wanted Moses to go to God,

hear what He had to say and then report it to them (verses


     It was then that the Eternal God said, "O THAT THERE WERE



     God knew that they did not have the true spiritual heart to

be close to Him and walk with Him, in all His ways. 

     At the end of leading Israel around the desert for 40 years

here are some of the words Moses spoke to them, "YET THE LORD 



     The vast majority, most in fact, of the people of Israel,

did NOT have God's Spirit. This is clearly shown to us as we read

the ELEVENTH chapter of Numbers. Here we find the Holy Spirit

that Moses had is given to called and CHOSEN ones. Some were even

jealous for Moses' sake, but notice how Moses answered them:

     "...enviest you for my sake? WOULD TO GOD THAT ALL THE



     The truth of the matter is that under the Old Testament only

a very small FEW were granted a heart and mind to PERCEIVE, to

really KNOW God, to understand REPENTANCE, in its deep way 

that leads to SALVATION and obtaining God's Holy Spirit.


     The apostle Paul said words that most people would find

shocking, and most Christians find hard to comprehend or even

take them for face value, thinking Paul must have meant something

different from the actual words he spoke.

     Here are those words:

     "Wherefore remember, that you being in times past Gentiles

     in the flesh, who are called Un-circumcised by that which is

     called the Circumcision in the flesh by hands. That at that

     time you were WITHOUT CHRIST, being STRANGERS from 

     the commonwealth of Israel, and STRANGERS from the covenant 

     of promise, having NO HOPE, and WITHOUT God in the world"

     (Ephesians 2:11-12).

     Now it is true that Paul talks about people acknowledging

God via physical creation (Romans 2). But a superficial saying,

"Well I believe there must be a God being who created all this

marvellous world and universe" is FAR from having the heart and

mind to PERCEIVE and UNDERSTAND the ways, truths, 

commandments, sin and righteousness, and mercy through Christ 

as Messiah. In that context the apostle Paul says the Gentiles had 

NO HOPE, NO SALVATION, they were without Christ and God 

in the world!

     Only those Gentiles who became a part of the nation of Israel 

and/or whom God REVEALED Himself to, and gave a heart 

to perceive and understand the Lord's salvation and hence be led by

His Spirit, were saved. ALL others had NO HOPE, were without God

in the world, without Christ (and without Christ there is no salvation, 

see Acts 4:12). They had NO salvation in THEIR LIFE TIME!!


     Does this mean they will NEVER have a heart to perceive, 

to understand, to find grace and mercy and Christ as personal



     The wonderful chapters of Romans 9 through 11, show us how

great is the MERCY and GRACE of God.

     Please take the time to read them SLOWLY, and MEDITATE on

the words you read.

     Yes it is addressing mainly the people of Israel, but as the

Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons, and that He

loved the WORLD (not just Israel) and sent His only begotten Son,

so all who believe on Him can have eternal life (John 3:16) then 

we can know that what Paul talks about in these chapters towards 

Israel's salvation, also applies to all the Gentile nations.

     These chapters of Romans 9 through 11 contain some of the

most INSPIRING and COMFORTING words ever written on the 

subject of God's GRACE and MERCY.

     Are you concerned about loved ones, blood relatives, or just

friends, and what is their fate because they did not KNOW or

ACKNOWLEDGE God and Jesus as their savior? In these chapters 

of Romans as well as some other verses in the New Testament (also

those in Deuteronomy and Numbers we have already read), we have

wonderful HOPE and ASSURANCE that God is going to grant MERCY 

to all in due time, so all can PERCEIVE and UNDERSTAND the way 

to salvation. Of course God cannot force anyone to walk in the light

of His salvation, but He does tell us that ALL at least will be given 

a heart and mind to perceive and understand. What they choose to do 

with that perception and understanding, will be in their power (as it 

has always been for anyone at any time - see Deut.30:15-20).

     In the first verses of Romans chapter nine Paul shows his

love for his fellow countrymen. Verse 7 he draws the distinction

between physical seed of Abraham and those who are children of

Abraham in the spiritual sense that make them also children of

God as Abraham was. The physical seed of Abraham were MAINLY 

going to be known through Isaac - Isaac-sons, or SAX-SONS and in 

wider usage ANGLO-SAXONS. Other studies on this Website go 

into detail of WHO and WHERE the sons of Isaac are today. 

But the most important message is that of becoming a CHILD of 

Abraham in the spiritual salvation of God through Christ. Being 

a child of God is quite DIFFERENT than being a physical child 

of some physical person (verses 8-13).

     Paul now goes on to demonstrate that than God does at times

in this physical life CHOOSE certain individuals or a nation of

people for a specific purpose as He works His plan on earth for

other individuals and other peoples. God even HARDENS the 

heart of SOME, showing mercy to some while showing no mercy 

to others (verses 14-18). 

     The natural question arises then as to why God can find

fault with anyone. Paul's answer is simply, you cannot tell God

what to do and when to do it with whom He wants to do it. God 

is the potter and we are the clay. But Paul says be assured that the

Lord KNOWS exactly what He is doing and there is a purpose 

behind it all, especially when it comes to taking BLINDNESS and

DECEPTION away from people, giving them a heart and mind to

PERCEIVE and to UNDERSTAND and to be given MERCY for 

salvation through Christ, while others are chosen by God to be left 

with a heart and mind that CANNOT perceive or understand spiritual

truths. Some given MERCY are Jews/Israelites and some are Gentiles. 

     Paul continues to show that it is relatively FEW  Israelites that 

are given MERCY and GRACE, but there are some, for it was

written there would be a REMNANT who could have the heart to

perceive and understand, yet it was in God's plan that while MOST

Israelites would not find mercy in their life time, MANY Gentiles


     And this is all to do with God REMOVING spiritual blindness

or  NOT removing spiritual blindness. Israel may have had the law

of Moses and the Old Testament words of God, they may have

followed many of the laws of God in some form of the physical way

of life, but as we have seen from Deuteronomy and Numbers, they

were STILL in spiritual BLINDNESS and God had NOT given them 

the heart to perceive and understand as far as eternal salvation for

them was concerned, only the few in Israel were granted the heart

for salvation. Then on the other hand, the Gentiles who did not

really try to follow God, were doing their own thing shall we say, 

were as we have seen Paul say, WITHOUT God in the world,

without any hope for salvation, were NOW being called and chosen

and given a heart to perceive and understand the spiritual ways

and truths of the Eternal God.

     The Israelites had thought that merely following some laws

of God would give them right standing with God and hence

salvation. They had not the heart to perceive they had to have

FAITH in a SAVIOR, the very Son of God, having to come as 

a human to die for their sins. And even when it was told them 

they sill did not have the heart to see, but stumbled with offence 

at the very one whom could give them mercy and grace for 

salvation (verses 24-33).

     Paul acknowledges in the first verses of chapter 10 that Israel 

had a zeal for God, but it was WITHOUT knowledge. Many of

the Israelites under Moses had a kind of zeal for God, they said

they would obey the Lord's commandments, do his will. It was

words they spoke, sounded very "religious" and had an outward

piety. They sure knew God existed, they even heard His voice for

a while. Yes they had a kind of form of religion, but in reality

it was really just so many words. They did NOT have the heart,

they did not have God's Spirit leading them, they did not have

real KNOWLEDGE, as Paul is here saying, the knowledge and 

heart that leads to true REPENTANCE of sin, and FAITH in the 

Savior Christ Jesus.

     So it is today, there are MILLIONS who have a FORM of

"religion" both in the Christian world and in the none Christian

world. Millions in the none Christian world believe in a GOD, but

reject His Son Jesus as their Savior. Think of all the millions

in the Islamic religion etc. They are BLINDED, they are DECEIVED,

by the one who deceives the whole world (Rev.12:9) - Satan the

Devil. God has not given them the heart to perceive and to

understand the way to eternal salvation through Christ. Then you

have millions in the Christian world who have a zeal for God,

even acknowledging Jesus is the Savior, but as Paul said about

Israel, they have a zeal but not ACCORDING TO KNOWLEDGE! 

They also have not the heart to perceive the truths and the ways of

the ALMIGHTY GOD. They are just as much in spiritual DARKNESS 

as the Israelites were and are, who indeed had the law and the words

of God (Romans 10:1-4).

     Paul then goes into a some long explanation of how the Jews

by not believing in Christ as Savior did NOT have God's mercy and

grace, were not saved, did not have salvation. Oh, they would

hear the message of the words of God being taught by God's

prophets, as many today may hear them in church services or 

on TV or by reading the Bible, but the bottom line is still the fact

that they do NOT have the HEART to really listen, to really obey,

to really have the zeal according to KNOWLEDGE. They STILL,

despite the words of God being preached all around them, have a

heart that is DISOBEDIENT and GAINSAYING (verses 5-21).

     People will find every reason under the sun to not serve and

obey God on this point or that point, will come up with every

argument as to why this law or that law does not have to be

obeyed today. Some will obey the 7th day Sabbath but REFUSE 

with stiff hearts to observe God's seven annual Sabbaths. Some will

shun the observance of the world's pagan festivals but will

refuse with stony hearts to observer God's Festivals. Some will

refuse with gainsaying hearts to observe God's clean and un-clean

food laws. Some will just refuse coldly the observance of the

FOURTH commandment period! Some can read where Abraham 

and Jacob tithed to God, of ALL they had, way before the Old 

Covenant came into existence, but will somehow read into the 

Old Covenant ideas that make tithing "done away with" for 

children of Abraham today.

     Some can read the Bible and be willing to observe many things 

of God's way, but refuse to admit that homosexuality and lesbianism

is an abomination in God's sight, and so practice and teach that

same sex marriage is okay with the Lord; why even some churches

today have practicing "gay" ministers. 

     On and on it goes even with those who have been given the

words of God either by the Lord's true servants or with the Bible

in their hands. So it has always been with even those to whom God

did reveal Himself. Most of the time those people have had a form

of godliness, a form of zeal, but NOT according to true


     Now with all of this said, Paul answers what many by now

reading his epistle so far have probably surmised, God has then

cast away His people, they are doomed for eternal destruction.

NO, Paul answers that is NOT so! He quotes from Elijah, where he

thought he was the only one left in Israel serving God, but the

Lord told him that He, the Lord, had 7 thousand others who had

not bowed the knee to Baal (Romans 11:1-4).

     Then the apostle takes this example of old to say that God

is exactly working this way to this very day. There is a REMNANT,

relatively few, who are the ELECTED of GRACE or mercy, and the

REST, are not damned to eternal destruction at all for the REST

are BLINDED, and as SHOCKING as it may seem to many, it is 

GOD HIMSELF that has BLINDED the rest.

     "According as it is written, GOD has given them the spirit

of SLUMBER, eyes that they SHOULD NOT SEE, and ears that 

they SHOULD NOT HEAR, unto this day" (verse 8).

     Paul explains they have not stumbled that they should 

FALL forever. But God is working out a salvation plan. 

Through many stumbling now, others can be called and chosen 

and be the election of grace and mercy. So it was then with the 

Jews stumbling so many Gentiles could be elected to grace.

     It was a wonderful plan of election and grace that God was

working with the peoples of the earth, and Gentiles now coming

into God's family should not boast and feel proud over the many

Jews being NOT elected to grace at this time (verses 11-24).


of Paul that shows he understood there was an OVERALL PLAN 

of God for ALL to be ELECTED to have GRACE and mercy shown 

to them in due time, in the time plan of the Lord.

     "For I would not brethren, that you should be ignorant of

     this mystery, lest you be wise in your own conceit; for

     BLINDNESS in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL the fullness

     of the Gentiles be come in. And so ALL Israel shall be

     saved; (so  many that the few who may reject God's saving

     grace through  Christ, will make it be as "all" - Keith

     Hunt) as it is written, 'There shall come out of Zion the

     Deliverer, and  shall turn ungodliness from Jacob, For this

     is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their

     sins'....For as you in times past have not believed, that

     through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. For God has

     concluded them ALL in UN-believe, that He might have MERCY

     upon ALL" (verses 25-32).

     Ah, do you see the WONDER of it all? Do you see the

INSPIRING teaching of it all? Do you see what God is working 

out here below?

     Every single person who has ever lived has been in utter

spiritual BLINDNESS as far as saving grace through faith in

Christ is concerned. Everyone is given a heart that CANNOT

perceive or understand the ways, the truths, the true knowledge

of God. It is the Lord who must REMOVE that veil of blindness

(see 2 Corinthians 3:12-18) from our hearts and give us a heart

of flesh, take away the heart of stone and make that heart soft

and pliable, a heart that can have zeal, yes, but zeal according

to knowledge. 

     Until God grants the individual a heart to perceive Him and

His ways to life and salvation, that person is neither saved or

lost. As Paul showed us in Romans 11, some, even the many, will

have to WAIT until the DELIVERER comes, until the Messiah 

comes in glory, to set up the Kingdom of God on earth, to be 

delivered from spiritual blindness and have their sins taken away.


     Jesus knew the plan of God's salvation for every person who

has ever lived. 

     Jesus knew that the DEAD would one day hear His voice 

and LIVE. He told us not to marvel at it, in the sense of thinking

this is incredible or something so far out that it is not worth

thinking about, or even silly to think about. Christ said the day

was coming when ALL in the graves would hear His voice and come

forth from the dead. Some would come forth to a resurrection of

glorious eternal life (called the FIRST resurrection in Revelation 20 

and explained in 1 Cor.15 and 1 Thes.4:13-18 with Mat.24:29-31) 

at the coming of Jesus in glory, at the beginning of the 1,000 years 

reign of Christ and the saints on earth - see my study called 

"The beginning of the 1,000 year reign"). Others are to come forth 

to a resurrection NOT of damnation (as the KJV gives) but of 

JUDGMENT! (John 5:25-29). 

     Judgment takes time. As Peter said, "The Lord is NOT SLACK

concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is

longsuffering towards us, NOT WILLING that any should PERISH, 

but that ALL should come to REPENTANCE" (2 Peter 3:9). God 

DESIRES that not one single person should refuse salvation. He 

desires ALL to be elected to grace, be called to grace, to have the veil

of blindness removed from their heart of stone, to be given a heart 

that will perceive Him and His holy way, to perceive how to be 

saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

     But that heart is not given to many during their life time on this 

earth. It must wait for a future resurrection for most.

     Everyone who has ever died will be raised to life again one day.

For some, the saints of God from Adam to the Messiah's coming in

glory, it will be the resurrection to glorious eternal life, called the 

first resurrection.

     For the rest it will be a physical resurrection (like the Israelites 

in the valley of dry bones spoken about in Ezekiel 37), at the END 

of the 1,000 year reign mentioned in Revelation 20. 

     This GREAT resurrection of the dead is found in Revelation

20:12-15. It is the time when the book of life is opened, a time

of spiritual discerning is granted to millions upon millions of

people who were never given the heart to discern God according 

to knowledge during their one physical life on this earth. They will

rise again, they will have the blindness lifted from their eyes,

they will see, they will come to know the true Jesus, and walk in

the light of God's word, the books (Greek is "biblos" - from

whence we get "bible"). They will be judged now (as the saints

are today) according to the way they work and live with the zeal

according to knowledge, that is now granted to them as the

election of grace.

     Jesus, AFTER the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7) RETURNED 

the NEXT day, John 8, and preached in the Temple. This was the 8th

day, or Octave. It was a Sabbath day, the Sabbath day of the 8th

day after the 7 day feast of Tabernacles (Lev.23). Jesus was back

in the Temple preaching. It was the day on which the BLIND man

received his SIGHT, He saw Jesus not only literally but as we

read, he saw Him for who He was. All this is the TYPE of the

GREAT resurrection mentioned at the end of Revelation 20.

    SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS will be removed for millions raised to

physical life during that age of grace and mercy. The truth of

John 7:37 and John 8 is fully covered in my study "The Truth about 

John 7:37." 

     God has indeed concluded ALL in UN-belief that He may have

MERCY upon ALL. But God decides WHEN the un-belief is removed,

for SOME it is NOW, for the MAJORITY it is in the time of the

GREAT WHITE THRONE age of Revelation 20.

     Then the salvation of mankind is all finished. Then comes

the time for the Almighty God the Father to come from heaven 

with the heavenly Jerusalem and dwell on this earth with all His 

sons and daughters.

     "Behold the tabernacle of God is with mankind, and He will

     dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God

     Himself shall be with them, and be their God.....And there

     shall be no curse; but the throne of God and of the Lamb

     shall be in it; and His servants shall serve Him. And they

     shall see His face, and His name shall be in their

     foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need

     no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God gives

     them light, and they shall reign for ever and ever"

     (Revelation 21:3; 22:3-5).


Written on the Last Great Feast 2004


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