Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pitch battles in Egypt

It is now becoming clear Egypt will not move into a peaceful change and transition without  much bloodshed and violence, supporters for and against Nubarak are fighting it out. Could be a type of civil war will take place before Egypt will move into peace and stability as the leading nation in the Arab world, the eventual spear-head of the "king of the south" that one day will feel it is strong enough to take on the MIGHTY Beast of the developing Holy Roman Empire in Europe, when in some fashion she will "push at" the king of the North (Dan.112:4-45)  who will come crashing down to defeat the southern kind, and then march into the holy land to take Jerusalem which will start the 3rd world war, and the time of trouble never seen on this earth before. You think some of the battles of yesterday were horrific - you ain't seen nothing yet - the last one to come will be the battle of the world that IF Jesus did not step in to destroy those who are destroying the earth NO FLESH would be saved alive (it's in Matt.24).

I've said before there will be NO WAR between Israel (the Jews of the Holy Land), and an Arab confederation - it's just is not in the cards as they say.

It will take a few years at least for the Arab nations to get rid of all its dictators, and to move towards more of a western democracy. But Egypt will become the spear-head force to lead a united Arab union and become the king of the south. I have a full in-depth study on my website called "The Key to the Future" either under "Prophecy" or "End Times" section on page two - the Bible Study List page.

Watch for BIG changes to take place in the Arab world - Egypt is once more breaking out of its sleep.

A lot will depend of the USA cosy cosy "climb in bed with you" attitude it has had with Egypt for 30 years.
More pressure is coming from the USA, and they have a pretty big stick of 1.5 BILLION dollars they give to Egypt once every year, mainly to go to their army machine.

If you've noticed, it is Germany leading the way out of Europe's recession  -  Germany is fast becoming the economic power house of Europe. As well as a more and more outspoken Pope of the RC church.
So Isaiah 10 tells us it will be.

The weather continues to be in the news with MASSIVE snow storms hitting again many States of the USA. From Texas to New York city and up the east coast into Canada. Climate change has hit with a bang this year. So has the loss of farm crops in the East and shortages of basic food supplies. This  could well be an interesting 2011 year

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