Thursday, September 15, 2011

5 BIG Banks/China trade with Europe

The world's 5 Central BIG banks have come together to help the banking world in general, to try and stop the bleeding of Europe and small banks around the world from going under.

UBS bank of Switzerland has lost 2 BILLION from and by a rouge employee who has lost that amount of money by shady practices....he's been arrested and will probably get some jail time. He's not the first to do this kind of scheme and not get away with it. And people in the Banking world say there is really not much can be done about such employees. There cannot be enough laws imposed or "watch dogs" to regulate all those who work for banks.

Danmark has elected its FIRST woman President or Prime Minister (whichever they go by in that country), and she has promised to roll back some of the things brought in by the previous Government party in the last 10 years. So go to it gal, and let's see what a lady can do with Danmark.

The last day of the World Economic Forum in China - 150 or so business-men from 85 countries meeting to try and work together to move the world economy back into the plus zone. China is wanting to do some serious trading with Europe - yes a down Europe but it has certain specialties and commodities that China wants. So Europe in a weak state and China (a huge population and country) desiring more trade with the union. Wait until Europe is riding high - yes it will yet be the mighty trading power of the world, as Bible prophecy tells us in no uncertain way.

The British Prime Minister and the French President were/are in Libya to praise them for defeating the dictator Madghafi. The British and French have said they are in with the new Libya for the long-haul, but the old black stuff (oil) has a bearing on why they have said they are. Canada has also promised the new Libya it will back and help them also.

The book I'm reading called "Decade of Fear" by Michelle Shephard, is indeed quite the eye opening book and I'm only about 1/5 the way through it. Right up front it shows what a dangerous life those kinds of reporters have chosen for themselves, to bring us the nitty-gritty in the nations of war, and some literally loose their life doing that job.

Floods in Pakistan are taking a large toll of people away with it, just as it did last year.

Greece and Italy have huge troubles with money and economy. If they go under they say it will have massive bad effects of course on Europe and then the entire world. The USA is and has been in real economic woes since 2008.  So with China looking to invest in Europe so they can then go after the mighty Asian market, we see a world economic shift.

The gigantic smart phone, ipad world, is turning this way and that way among the big players, well the ones who were in the past the big players, which some of them (unless they do quick moves up) may not survive the moves of others. So time will tell if that market leaves only a few in the playing field or on the smart screen of the smart phones.

Time will also tell if President Obama can get the political leaders of his country to agree on how to create jobs, re-doing the roads and bridges of the nation to start with. The money to put out - 1/2 Billion dollars - is once more the thorn in the flesh. Got to put out billions to get millions back to work. Kind of a contradiction, hence the trouble for politicians to agree.

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