Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So the news today - the USA has 1 in 6 or about 46 Million living BELOW the USA poverty line of 22,000 dollars a year.

No new jobs, a standstill with Democrats and Republicans over "creating jobs" and the money Obama wants to try and do so - half a Trillion, yes with a "T"

Canada is coming to a no growth after leading the Western world in being better off through the last 3 years. Bank of Nova Scotia yes Canada is going to go into recession that it has till now mainly escaped.
For every dollar a Canadian has as income they are $1.49 in debt.

On CBC tonight they had 4 "expert" economists. One question was about the "recession" word - going into it again. ONE of the four said what I've been saying to you for 3 years - "I don't believe we were ever really out of the recession." I agree entirely with that man.

The facts are in - the gap between the rich and the poor has increased since 1980. One lady says 70 percent of all people are living in countries where the gap between the rich and the poor is widening all the time.

Then we have right now in China "The World Economic Forum" and the China Primer giving the opening address. China in the last 10 years has had constant growth, education, and millions brought out of poverty. It was all in the positive for China. In many ways for India also. So the East may become the West, the powerhouse of the world economy.

Europe, with Greece going to default ..... all countries of the EU in trouble but Germany, who finds it may have to be the one to hold Europe together.

So we are truly in interesting times for the world economy and who will end up on the top as most countries are it seems are going down and not up.

Well I figured it, actually way before I figured it. If you want to know what Jackie Kennedy and those 8 hours of recorded interview tapes have to say, it is all out in a book. Jackie Kennedy was way more than the quiet background lady we all thought she was. She had lots to say - 8 hours worth of talk to say now let open, without editing. Correctly her daughter said she thought it would not be right to edit anything. Jackie needs to go down in history as she put it down, even if she may have thought afterwards she should not have said this or that. I mean she did not give high marks to Martin Luther King, the French (though she spoke French), Linden Johnson, and other world figures of the time. I do not know if it is in the book, but it is a fact many of the Kennedy men were sexual womanizers, including her husband. The Kennedy women (married to Kennedy men) all had to live with knowing their husbands had other women (in bed with them) at times.

The Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan have again shown they can get into the heart of anything even if they end up being killed. It happened today once more. It's not as one man said, the victory the Taliban are looking for, it's the showing that they are still around and able to strike at the heart of whatever they want to strike at.

Are you noticing the RIFT between Turkey and Israel? Yes, it will be so, prophecy says so. I've expounded the prophecy in the end times about Turkey. Go to my expounding of Obadiah in the prophet section of my website.

1 comment:

  1. I DID notice in the news about Turkey and Israel. Didn't read the article, though.

    I saw something recently giving a better idea of how much a trillion is. In seconds, ONE trillion is nearly 32,000 years! That's just ONE trillion seconds. It was done as stacks of money bills, too, and whereas the stack of thousand dollar bills equaling one million dollars is around four inches or a little more high, the trillion would be nearly 68 miles high!
