Thursday, May 24, 2012

Crazy Pakistan/People going high

You talk about some nutty country of the world and Pakistan has got to be right up there very near the top.

Some guy helped the USA verify where Bin Laden was hiding in plain sight, and the USA sent in their James Bond team and killed him. Now this fellow has been given something like 33 years prison sentence - Pakistan claiming he was a spy for the USA. Now I can understand Pakistan is angry about civilians the USA have killed in the last while, but getting back at the USA through this man that helped the USA kill Bin Laden, is the height of a crazy mind-set.

Needless to say the relationship between the USA and Pakistan has hardly been any worse than it is today. And that country is building the "A" bomb like there is no tomorrow.
Fortunately Bible prophecy tells us Pakistan will have no big role in end time prophecy.

Did you see the latest on people wanting to get to the top of the world on Mount Everest. Literally hundreds of them, all lined up like a literal people traffic jam. Again some people have to be loony in the head; very little oxogen up there; as cold as blazes (take that as a reverse pun), a wicked killing climate Everest can throw at you in very short notice; and people are literally lined up to get to the top. I mean, give me a break, but some people have to have a frozen mind that can not think straight, and yes some do get a literal frozen mind as they try to get to the top of Everest - they die and freeze stiff.

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