Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tebowing......Jesus would say...

So you have this Tim Tebow in American "football" (which ain't football but "pass-ball and run" - a much more accurate name, the "football" name is the silliest name you could give it) openly doing his "Christian religious stuff" in public. Now he may think Jesus wants him to do all this. Jesus taught not to be ashamed of Himself, but that meant, live a Christian life, don't go along with the crowd, if someone asks you tell them about your faith.

But Jesus also taught don't announce to people when you fast. Don't be as the "religious" leaders of His day and pray on the street corners to be seen of men. If you are specifically holding a religious service outside as Jesus did many times, or feeding 5,000 with a few loaves of bread in the name of God, a short thank-you prayer is in order.

But Tebow just ain't reading his Bible or the words of Christ whom he claims to follow.

And that is the problem with MILLIONS of "Christians" - they do not read the Bible, or what they read goes in one ear and out the out. Millions of "Christians" are Bible ILLITERATES - they claim to be disciples of Jesus, but have NO CLUE as to what He taught and preached.

Tebow is like the Pharisees of Jesus' day, he has his reward now, people look to him as some fine example of Christianity. Jesus taught when you pray enter your closet and pray. Tebow could get on his knees at home and pray before going to the ball park. He could pray silently as he walks out on the ball-field. But making a "big show" of his "religion" in public is exactly opposite to what Jesus taught.

Time for Tebow to start reading the words of Christ in a "red-letter" New Testament - time for a BILLION or more "Christians" to do the same.

You have these "Christian religious Book Clubs" and far far too many Christians are reading far too many "books" by others, and are so busy doing so, they never read the greatest book of all - the Bible.

In my series of studies "Shocking Statements of Jesus Christ" on my Youtube ... 1horsesrcool ... I have to keep repeating, "Get reading the words of Christ in the Gospels" for I know MILLIONS of "Christians" don't have a clue what Jesus taught and preached, hence they have no clue as to how to live as a Christian!

Do not let that be YOU!!


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