Sunday, December 30, 2012

Time to view.....

Being here visiting my Dad gives me time to view some great DVDs I have on the UNIVERSE.

There is only so much I can do with my Dad during the winter, so I have many hours to "watch up" on some things I need to catch up on.

The set of DVDs on the Universe (this set for I have another set also) are from the evolution point of mind-set; all the people speaking are obviously not Christians, do not believe in a God or the Bible in any way.

So they claim (give science to back it up) that there is "dark matter" - a kind of "hallo" around each galaxy out there, and I'm not against such a thought, or fact as they would put it. Could very well be true. Then they say about 75 percent of the universe is "dark power" - it is the force (and they admit they do not understand it) that drives the galaxies outward away from each other, making ever more "space" or an ever expanding universe.

They are correct on this, only that power is the very Holy Spirit of God who is doing all this through His dark unseen power, dark in the sense we do not see it.,

What has also shocked the evolution universe scientists is that the far out galaxies are moving away FASTER,  not slowing down but actually moving faster away every day, so hence more dark space is being created.

Then they say the galaxies themselves are not expanding. Then go on to say a rather silly idea; with the expanding universe and more space between the galaxies things will get colder, and the universe could end in a frozen mass. A silly idea as the galaxies themselves with "suns" are not expanding, so the suns will keep the galaxies as they are.

Of course without God in the picture they think all kinds of ideas that are blown away when you put a God in the equation. The universe will not freeze to death, nor blow itself up to death, nor re-shrink itself back to nothing. Interesting these evolution scientists fully believe the universe was NOT at one time, and did come into existence with a big bang as they now believe. And that could be true, the Bible does not tell us how God brought the universe into being or how all the galaxies came to be or the putting together of the planets and stars, or even the making of this earth. I've covered the truth of Genesis chapter one in other studies on my website.

You have evolution scientists that have been broadcasting - yes radio broadcasts - to the universe since the 1960s. There is even one radio station from scientists that is a radio station broadcasting each day to the universe, to anyone whom they are pretty sure are out there somewhere.

They say the universe is 12 to 14 BILLIONS years old - and I have no argument with that, could well be. The Bible has no argument with that either. They say the earth could be 3 or 4 Billion years old, and that could well be so, the Bible does not say how long this physical earth has been in existence. Those of you who have the wrong idea of Genesis one, need to see my studies on it all on my website.

The evolutionist scientists really have no idea (from their own words) how physical matter (like in stones and dirt etc.) moved or jumped into living organisms and so eventually human kind.

It really bothers them that so far in their last 100 years they cannot find ANY life out there, away from our earth. They went to the moon, brought back dirt; they have gone to Mars, brought back dirt, and they cannot find even micro life. They are scratching their heads, saying some galaxies are way way older - billons of years older than earth, and so should be life out there way more advanced than ours, yet SILENCE..... no radio waves, no nothing of this life trying to find other life, as we are trying to contact other life.

They really believe there is other organic life out there somewhere, but are frustrated and scratch their heads that this much older life is not trying to contact us; as they would say we on earth are the new kid on the block.

And so go the evolution scientists. They do NOT want to believe in a GOD, for in so doing they would then have to believe that God has the power to write down His word to us, inspire Hid word, and so tell us how to live, what is sin, what is righteousness, what is truth, what is falsehood and lies and deception. The evolution scientists want like all who reject the thought of a God, to live according to their ideas, their ways, and not to be told they are living wrong, need to repent, and get in harmony with the laws and commandments of the Eternal God of this universe.

The created things, the universe, PROVES there is a God who at one time brought it into being, the physical out of the no-physical, matter out of no-matter. And yes the dark power that is at least according to evolution scientists, 75 percent of the universe, the very Spirit of that God, that upholds the universe, makes the universe larger each day.

Prophecy also proves there is a God, and that prophecy of the Bible, shows the universe will not end, it may change in various ways according to the will of God, but it will be here forever, for His children to enjoy and explore, as His will may be after His will for this earth and mankind upon it is fulfilled.


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