Monday, December 31, 2012

US....from exploding stars??

Going through the DVDs on the universe by History Channel. The evolution universe-ism guys and gals have this idea that WE the human race came about because of super-nova exploding stars.

They say the "iron" and whatever other elements come  from  exploding  stars  came to earth at some point in past time, and so the seeds of what we are began to be planted on earth.

These elements came into the sea, and so algae and then slowly up from there came the sea creatures, with some of them slowly moving onto the land, and slowly the ape, and eventually mankind.

The whole idea is laughable if it was not given as very serious by them; I mean they REALLY DO believe it

They have become so darkened in their mind they have lost all logical reasoning power ..... they are fruit-nut cases, that belong in the mental hospital.

NOW I'm going to get VERY plain and up front to show you how STUPID these scientists of evolution universe-ism are.

They base things on a slow evolution.

NOW WHY would an evolution give to women a CLITORIS as part of her sex organ. The clitoris is a pleasure button to put it in frank terms. It is not needed for reproduction at all. There is no reason that evolution should ever have evolved it. It blows my mind that evolution people could believe in evolution. Why on earth would evolution evolve a clitoris in a woman's sexual organ. It is not needed for reproduction.

NO!  It was the creator God of the universe who INVENTED the female "clitoris" as part of her sexual organ, and it was given purely for PLEASURE. God is not against pleasure. He invented and gave human kind many physical types of pleasure. We are the only ones who can cry, laugh, feel emotions in a much deeper way than animals; sure the dog likes its tummy rubbed and your friendship......but there is no animal that has the extent of emotions as does the human family.

So again I say the fact of women having a clitoris is a proof that their is a God. I bet many, most of you, have never had that proof given as an example that there is a God. But think about it, there is no reason for women have a clitoris, except a God created it to give women physical pleasure in sex.

Yes God invented sex. And part of that invention was for more than just reproduction per was also for pure pleasure.

Think about it.....two sexes, not three, or four or more. One way to reproduce, not two ways or three ways, as evolution or mutation (as evolutionists want to use at times) could have evolved. We did not evolve or mutate to three arms and hands or four legs, or eyes on the side of our head like the horse. We humans are the same (speaking of course in the normal way and not when things go not normal in reproduction)  -  makes no difference your color,  your  race,  your  height  -  we  all  have  two  arms and  two  legs,  eyes  are  two  not  three  and  face  forward.  And  all  women  have  a  clitoris  for  pure  pleasure  in  sex.



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