Saturday, February 16, 2013



......."Then let's begin," he said, turning to gaze toward me for the first time in the exchange. A warm breeze ruffled his hair as he spoke above the sound of seagulls in the background. "Take out the seal," he said. "What do you see?"
"Inscriptions, symbols, and one main symbol."
"What do you make of it?"
"I don't know. It's something like a V."
"It's an image, Nouriel."
"Of what?"
"The top of a wall," he said. "It's a wall of protection."
"And what's the V in the middle?"
"Not a V," he replied, "a breach."
"A breach?"
"A gap—a break, an opening in the wall. The wall is broken, the sign that an enemy has entered in."
"It's the removing of the hedge of protection. It's what happened to ancient Israel?"
"Yes. With no other way of getting through to them, the hedge of protection is removed. The year is 732 B.C. Israel's enemies invade the land and wreak havoc. The calamity traumatizes the nation. But it takes place on a limited scale. The enemy strikes and then withdraws. It's a foreshadowing of something much greater and much more severe—a warning...a harbinger of a future judgment so great that if it ever came to pass, the nation would never recover."
"So the warning is the removal of the hedge.".......

 The nation had departed from God. But apart from the prophets, few realized the critical line they had crossed and the new and dangerous era they had entered. No political or military power would be strong enough to ensure their safety; only a return to God. The attack was a warning and a harbinger of judgment.".......

"The First Harbinger," he said, holding the seal level with my eyes. "The Breach. The nation that had long known blessing and security witnesses the failure of its defenses. Its walls of protection are broken through, its national security is breached, and its illusion of invincibility shattered. The days of the Harbingers begin."

"And this has something to do with America?" I asked.

"America was the most blessed nation on earth, its blessings shielded by a powerful hedge of national protection. As its founders had foretold, if the nation followed the ways of God, it would be blessed not only with prosperity and power but also with peace and security."
"But if America turned away from God, its protection would be removed?"
"Yes, and so it did. And so it was. Its hedge of protection was removed, and its walls were breached."
"Its walls were breached? When?" I asked.
The prophet was silent, as if waiting for me to say it, or waiting for it to hit me. And then it did... all at once.
"September 11"

"Yes," said the prophet. "The First Harbinger, the Breach. The nation that had so long known the blessings of peace and security witnesses its walls of protection broken through as its defenses fail. On September 11, 2001, the walls of Americas national security were breached. It happened right there," he said, pointing to the sky above the waters. "The second attack. That's how it came. The most powerful nation on earth and the most sophisticated defense system ever built by man..."
"Its wall of defense... breached.".........

"Do you know how many lives were lost in the American Civil War?"

"I have no idea...thousands?"
"Hundreds of thousands. And Lincoln spoke of the calamity devastating the nation as the judgment of a righteous God-—not on any individual but on the nation as a whole.".........

"You said something about what happened in ancient Israel after the attack, that things began to return to normal."
"I spoke of things appearing to return to normal. There's a difference."
"So was the hedge of protection back in place?"
"To a degree and for a time. But the danger was still there."






Keith Hunt

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