Thursday, November 24, 2011

Barbecue Beef/Red Wine/Rosemary Herb

Science has now shown that to barbecue meat produces a chemical change that is ..... not healthy, or to put it more straight up .... dangerous to your body, those radicles we hear about, bad radicles going after your body in not the friendliest way. But using the herb "rosemary" science has also proved reduces those free radicles when barbecuing.

Science has also proved that indeed red wine does contain anti-oxidants that do attack free radicals in our body system, hence is good for you....but like everything good, in moderation.

Science did an experiment with a Canadian gal of dropping her into a tub at 14 C temperature (in a bikini) - all the way under for a few seconds (some touch gal) and science machines did a scan of body heat loss. The body lost heat from anywhere exposed to the air. So.....the idea that you loose more body heat through the top of your head is false. Any part of the body exposed to the air looses just as much heat. Naturally covering up keeps the heat in, hence wearing a hat in cold weather keeps the heat in at the top of your head, wearing gloves keeps the heat in over the hands, and etc.

Grandma said eating fast would make you gain weight. Was she correct?
Science experiments with one of the world's fastest eaters and a regular slow eater. Chemicals are released in the body when we eat that also relate to the brain. Well the long and short of it, less of these chemicals are released in fast eaters. So indeed Grandma was correct - eating fast gain weight.

The blind they say have better hearing than sighted people. True of false?
Science experiments with blind and seeing people DO prove it is correct, the blind hear better than sighted people. Then one step further with science tests, the back of the brain for sight, rewires itself for those loosing sight early in life and the same rewired area of the brain, produces a kind of sight through hearing.

Well for the fascinating details on all this and more, go to:

Make sure if you are raising children you use


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