Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Now it's ITALY!!

So now the attention is moving to Italy. The 20 year leader Berusconi says he will step down, BUT ONLY AFTER reforms are approved by the Government. Berusconi has been plagued with corruption and sex scandals for a long time. Some are not sure if they believe he will really step down after reforms are brought in.

Italy is in great money and economic TROUBLES - if Italy does not reform its ways or cannot or will not be bailed out - if Italy goes down the drain, then this would be much for serious than Greece doing down the same drain. Italy has the 8th largest economy in the world.

Europe and the eurozone would be in DEEP trouble if Italy goes under the water - a head is barely above water - she is spluttering and splattering and coughing and gulping for air to survive.

Europe Union is indeed made of iron and clay - and we are seeing it in full color and 3D vision.

Some YEARS will be needed to bring the Europe Beast of Babylon Mystery Religion to the power that is predicted in the book of Revelation.

The dictator of Syria is all talk and no action - action in the direction he said he and his army would go, after supposedly listen to and saying he would do as the Arab League wanted. It has not materialized.
One journalist lady was able to get into Syria with a small hand type camera and document the killings from the army. She says the Syrian Government news is full of lies and double talk and talk that does not become reality. She reports that many once peaceful demonstrators are now taking up arms and civil war is a close reality to come, with the freedom demonstrators possibly going to ask for other nation help as was the case in Libya.

The Russian Mars rocket probe goes of course .... will they be able to bring it back into the correct course? Only time will tell.

Iran is accused of moving ahead towards a nuclear bomb .... naturally she denies it, but that is to be expected.

Greece will soon have an interim Government; we'll see if a coalition Government can do anything to get that country into some economical stability; don't hold your breath that they will.

Canada has to revaluate its economic position after they are now starting to be effected by the world economic troubles - a loss of 50,000 jobs .... so after 2008 the situation is finally hitting the country that was in better shape with its banking and finance laws than just about any other country in the West.

For you who like good western music, good love songs, some good swing and beat, and relaxing guitar (including the Hawaiian guitar, and Mandolin) - you'll find it on my Youtube: type in: 1horsesrcool
take your pick, many play lists of the music that I love, and you may love also.

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