ABC news last night had this news bleep on the thought of suggesting, that some have, of having your child tested for "cholesterol" levels. Yes, because of our life-style, we are having more and more children with high "bad" cholesterol, that the medical world fears will mean they are more likely to have medical problems down the road - you know the serious ones - at a younger age - in their 20, 30, 40. And we know of course this is meaning heart-attacks or strokes.
And they again (as they have done in the past) brought out the "why" of bad cholesterol - our life-style of eating junk foods, that deposit fat in our inner pipes, and all that we've heard about for years now. And not enough exercise - too much sitting in front of the Computer, or Computer games and etc.
There are some children that have an hereditary leaning towards bad high cholesterol.
They talked about the "drugs" some of these children go on, and the fact that we do not know the long term effects of staying on these drugs for years and years.
The bottom line - you and your children need to be on a good healthy diet, more fruits and vegies, stay away from white flour products, less sugar stuff, and get some exercise each day. Go for a fast walk, a run, go swimming and at least for a while swim as fast as you can. Just whatever .... but get exercise each day.
Look after yourself. My Dad is nearly 92 and he got to that age by looking after himself, doing what I've just said.
I'm hoping I live as long as my Dad (if Jesus does not come before) ... I'm doing what my Dad has done, right now at 69 I look and feel and can do, as if I'm 49. I see people around town, or on TV who are younger than I and look like they are much older than I. They simply have not taken care of themselves, in the above ways I'm mentioned. Maybe also they have had much more stress in life than I have. Stressful living can age you so quickly. And let me add while we are on this subject. Many people, too many, especially men, do not look after their facial skin. Until recently it was just not "manly" or "macho" for men to put cream on their faces - the attitude was "Oh that's only for women to do." Well now you can go into some "Drug-stores" or big various other stores today, and find in the men's section for the body, facial creams..... there's one by "Nivea" that has Q10 in it .... yes FOR MEN!! Shaving can take a lot of moisture out ofd your skin ... that moisture needs to be replaced.
I've used cream on my face since a young teen - after shaving and before going to bed - yes twice a day! And with that and a few fascial exercises (that good old Charles Atlas has in his "Health and Strength Course" - like blowing out your cheeks and pulling up with your head to strengthen the neck muscles) you can keep your facial skin and muscles in good tone and stay off the "droopy" skin and deep wrinkles well into old need for botox and surgery face lifts.
For you young ones (teens and older) the time to start is NOW!! Not when you are 40 or 50. I started when I was a teen and its paid off - I'm living proof it works, what I've just been telling you. And I will say I have Mr. Charles Atlas to give the credit to, as he taught it in his health and strength course.
Ah well there's your little sermon for the day on keeping youthful. Now just go to it, put it into practice as a way of life.
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