Thursday, November 3, 2011

That's not "cricket" old boy

For you in North America it will probably come as a surprise; British "cricket" is the SECOND sport
behind "soccer" (for the rest of the world it is "football" for obvious reasons) that is watched and played.
Yes it is....because the British took it with them to all the nations they colonized - the British Commonwealth. It is also like "soccer" pretty easy to get into and does not have to have all kinds of gloves and pads etc. to start playing. Growing up in England of course all boys in all schools played the two games. Cricket was back then a "gentleman" game - slow, kind, honest, gentlemanish. Hence the British phrase for things NOT done right "that's not cricket old boy."

Now 3 famous Pakistan Cricket players are in jail for "fixing" games - again most North Americans have no idea of the amount of money there is in Cricket.  What they were doing was certainly NOT cricket old boy, so hence the penalty for not playing Cricket as the old boys played it is severe for such bad boys.

I mean in the Cricket world you just cannot do such things and not get a severe penalty.

So it should be in the finance world of the Wall Street and Banking guys, who did not play the game honest, but as I've said before just about none of them were given severe penalties if any. Finally with the recession "occupy Wall Street" movement and so in other cities also, took effect as of recently. In the last few days we have had Bill Gates and the head of the Church of England come out in agreement that things in the "money" and "banking" world were "just not cricket old boy." 

Will the Governments of the Western world take note of those two high positioned men? Take note in the sense of setting about to even the cricket field, and stop the ever enlarging gap between the filthy rich and the poor. Now it was revealed tonight that there is a good size of the American population that are living in a very very low standard of living range.

I will not hold my breath waiting for regulations to be put in place that those in the very high end of income should be taxed more and/or have their loop holes closed up that allow them to evade taxation, and stop the profane "high bonuses" that many of them get. Oh and if you did not know Bill Gates gives away most of his money to charity.

The leaders of the G20 (meeting in France) are too absorbed with the Greece and Europe situation to be at this time bothered about the inequity in what 1 percent get paid as opposed to the 90 percent of the rest of the population.

So Greece, or the leader of Greece, is keeping the world on pins and needles, and in a cold sweat, as to what could happen to not only the Eurozone but Europe itself and then the whole Western world. He does not seem to be playing cricket old boy, either; going to do this, then throwing it to the people, then back-tracking, and who knows what it will be tomorrow.

It's anybodies game as they say, or as the other saying goes "it ain't over till it's over" (which the Texas Rangers in Baseball sure found out in this years World Series defeat, when they should have won the 6th game and had their first World Series title).

Very interesting times we live in for sure, no dull moment be it in sports, finance, money borrowing and debts of nations, the banking world, or the now occupy this and that city movement.

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