Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pussy-footing around

So you United Nations, Britain, USAS,  you say, at least Obama said, MADhafi has to go.

Now he is using "cluster bombs" - been see and proven.

His daughter get into the act of defiance and tells the world he will not go.

The guy is a mad insane dog and an ass of a donkey - he's a crazy "fruit-nut" loaf with emphasis on the "nutty" part.

United Nation/Britain/USA/France.....time to forget your past words, and go in there like you mean it, time to stop pussy-footing around, and with your space-age weapons blast this mad dictator off the planet and send along his crazy kids as well. Time to pull out the stops and send in the ground troops - give those against him the the experts and fire-power they need.

It's time for a Winston Churchill to be found somewhere who knew how crazy dictators needed to be  handled - no peace talks - just blast them off the earth and good reddens to all the neighborhood bullies.

Yes it is true that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword as Jesus said.
So nations who believe in war - time to get serious about this with this MADhadfi family and let them die by the sword. They've cause enough deaths on their own people, time to put them to death.

So if you are serious about moving this guy from the planet.....THEN GET SERIOUS!!!

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