Friday, January 13, 2012

Crude Black MOLASSES #3




We live in an age of "wonder-drugs" and patent foods, not to
mention the large variety of patent medicines, all of which are
very lucrative propositions. Many of the patent foods, mostly
sold at health-food stores, are useful to counteract the baneful
effects of a diet deficient in vitamins and mineral salts. As for
the "wonder-drugs" they have their day and then fall out of
repute because, being advertised with a flourish of trumpets,
they come to be used indiscriminately, and hence, in many cases,
do more harm than good.* Even the use of patent food can be
overdone on the assumption that one cannot have too much of a
good thing! Yet although I have called Molasses a "wonder-food"
by way of emphasis there is nothing whatever patent about it, and
in most countries not suffering from postwar food shortage, it
can be obtained at any grocery at a negligible cost. The
unfortunate fact that it is not procurable in this country (Great
Britain) except by farmers for the purpose of making silage, does
not mean that it will never be procurable when times have become
more normal and when the public, the naturopaths and the less
orthodox physicians have been made fully aware of its curative
and prophylactic properties. As a step to this desideratum I
recently wrote a short series of articles in that widely read
journal, "Health for All," and, judging from the avalanche of
letters I received, it seemed desirable and expedient to enlarge
on the subject in the form of the present booklet.

Already, before the first Great War, the late Dr. Forbes Ross
drew attention to the value of Molasses in connection with
cancer.* He pointed out that workers on sugar-cane, plantations
who were constantly sucking the crude sugar, seldom if ever were
known to suffer from that dread disease. He attributed this to
the large

* Dr. Leon Goldman, Forman Friend and Lester M. Mason, of the
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, examined 350
patients and found 16 reacted unfavourably to contact with
penicillin, men more than women.
Their article in the journal of the American Medical Association
advised, "use penicillin only where and when indicated... not
indiscriminately for everything."

* See Appendix.

precentage of potassium salts in unrefined sugar-cane; his
contention being that the cause of cancer was a deficiency of
potash in the human cells and blood. I have dealt with his
contentions in some detail in my earlier books and cannot repeat
myself in these pages. Suffice it to say that although Dr. Forbes
Ross's numerous cures of cancer, together with the book he wrote
on the subject, did not receive at the time the recognition they
deserved, several eminent physicians of various schools have
since come to uphold his views.

I will now without further preamble, proceed to deal with the
comparatively large number of diseases which have yielded to



As already implied, my attention was more fully drawn to the
curative and prophylactic elements in Crude Black Molasses by one
of my numerous correspondents, Mr. James Persson, of Palmerston,
New Zealand. The circumstances are as follows: Some years ago Mr.
Persson was broken in health and unable to do even the lightest
work. He was suffering from a growth in the bowels, hardened
valves of the heart, blocked bronchial tubes, constipation,
indigestion, pyorrhoea, sinus trouble and weak nerves. In
addition to this array of symptoms, he was losing weight, and his
hair had turned white. Despite consulting doctors and specialists
his condition was getting steadily worse. Then one day he heard
of a Mr. S. who happened to be a neighbour of the postman, from
whom he got the details I will now mention. Mr. S. has suffered
from an inoperable growth in the bowels; in other words, he had
been opened up by the surgeons, and then stitched up again, his
condition being regarded as so hopeless that even the idea of
surgical interference was abandoned. Thus, he was discharged from
hospital, and only given seven weeks to live. However, he was
subsequently induced by an acquaintance to try the effect of
taking Molasses; with the astonishing result that far from dying
within the seven weeks, he finally made a complete recovery. On
hearing of this remarkable case, Mr. Persson decided to try the
treatment himself--and not only did the growth in his bowels
disappear, together with all his other troubles (and this after
seven years' suffering), but his hair, which was white when he
started the treatment, actually regained its original colour and
assumed a more healthy appearance in every respect. It should be
mentioned that Mr. Persson is over sixty.

Having proved for himself the curative value of Molasses, he
resolved to supply the aliment at 41/ad. per lb. so as to keep
down the price, seeing that chemists were selling a medicated
variety at a much higher figure, and thereby spoiling the
substance while pretending to improve it. But I shall have
something more to say about this later on. Meanwhile, I should
repeat here that Mr. Persson's activities were instrumental in
bringing him into contact, either directly or indirectly, with a
very large number of sufferers from various diseases, including
growths. For Mr. S's cure, and Mr. Persson's own cure having
become known, the demand for Molasses was such that Mr. Persson
was at one time supplying a ton of it a month, and is now
supplying even more.

As growths are serious conditions for which the orthodox medico
can only suggest radium or the knife, I am dealing with these in
my first section.

Among the numerous cases cured solely by Molasses-therapy are
growths of the uterus, growths of the breast, further instances
of intestinal growth, also numerous cases of growths of the
tongue, diagnosed as malignant. One man with a fibroid growth of
the tongue was in such a condition that he was unable to speak.
But by dint of repeatedly holding Molasses in his mouth and also
taking it internally (see Section 24), the growth came away and
the man was cured. And yet this merely bears out the late Dr.
Forbes Ross's contention that growths of the tongue (he used the
word cancer) had been cured by sucking this natural aliment. As
for tumours, fibroid growths in various sites of the body, these,
according to Mr. Persson and to reports received by him, have
withered away without any other measures than that of taking
Molasses internally and using it in the form of poultices.
A recent case of uterine growth may now be mentioned in some
detail. The sufferer visited Mr. Persson in a very distressed
frame of mind. She had been told by the doctors that she was
suffering from cancer, and could not be expected to live for more
than about six weeks. The diagnosis may have been incorrect, but
in any case her doctors took a very serious view of her
condition, for she had lost much weight and suffered from severe
haemorrhages. Having heard of Molasses for growths, she
consequently applied to Mr. Persson for a quantity, which she
proceeded to take via the mouth, and also to use in blood-warm
water as a douche. (See pp. 13,29,30). Some months after she had
started the treatment she called to see Mr. Persson again; and he
reports that she was so changed for the better in every way that
he could hardly believe it was the same woman. The bleeding had
ceased, she had regained her normal weight, her colour was
healthy, and she confessed to feeling "wonderful."

Here is another case worthy to mention. Mrs. M-. Breast growth.
Given two months to live. After employing Molasses-therapy, the
growth disappeared, and she was perfectly well. Many months
elapsed. No recurrence.

Mr. Persson writes: "Many sufferers, after taking Molasses for
some time, cough up rotten growths." He then, among others, gives
the case of a man said to be suffering from cancer of the gullet.
Breath very foul until lately. This unfortunate man had to be fed
by means of a tube. He is treating himself with Molasses. Has
already coughed up "a rotten lump about the size of a small egg,
and his breath does not smell bad any more." My correspondent
adds: "I have come across some terrible cases, yet wonderful to
relate, they have been cured by Molasses."



According to "The Biochemic System of Medicine," the majority of
diseases that are curable at all, are simply due to a deficiency
of certain of the mineral salts. It is therefore no surprise to
students of this System that paralytic strokes have yielded to
Molasses-therapy, seeing that the aliment is so especially rich
in a variety of these mineral salts. Where paralysis is
exhibited, unless due to accident, there is a lack of calcium,
potassium and magnesium in the body; and all these salts are
present in assimilable form in Crude Black Molasses.
Now the general supposition is that when a person has had two
strokes, the third one will kill him or her, as the case may be.
And yet it need not be so, or at any rate not invariably, as the
following brief case-history reveals: Mr. X, an elderly man, had
had two strokes and was completely paralysed down one side of his
body. He then tried Molasses-therapy - with the gratifying result
that he recovered the use of all his limbs, and became completely
fit, much to the astonishment of his doctor and his friends. Nor
is this by any means an isolated case, and if I have selected it
out of many others, it is because it happens to be a particularly
bad one.
The question of paralytic strokes gives one much food for
reflection, and I think it is not going too far to say that if
people would make Molasses a part of their daily diet there would
be fewer cases of this dreadful affliction.



Dr. Forbes Ross maintained that there was a certain connection
between arthritis and cancer, the reason being that both cancer
and arthritis arose from the same cause viz., a deficiency of
potassium salts in the human organism. Whether he was entirely
correct is open to opinion, for cancer is apt to develop where
the sufferer lives in a house situated over an underground
stream, or at a point where two underground watercourses cross.
But even so, one may still ask whether malignancy would eventuate
if the victim were not suffering from a deficiency of potassium
salts? In any case, Dr. Forbes Ross would seem to have proved his
point in so far that he cured cases of arthritis with precisely
the same measures that he cured cancer and that was with
potassium salts prepared in an assimilable form. Bearing this in
mind it is not difficult to see why a substance (Molasses) which
is especially rich in potassium, should not be effective in
curing arthritis as well as bodily growths. Moreover, the proof
is to hand. Many sufferers who could only hobble about with the
aid of sticks, were able to throw the latter away after they had
taken a course of Molasses in the prescribed manner.* To
facilitate and accelerate the cure, a little flowers of sulphur
mixed with black treacle were taken every night - in short, the
old "brimstone and treacle mixture," immortalized by Dickens in
"Nicholas Nickleby."!

In cases where the joints were badly swollen, excellent results
have been obtained by bathing them with Molasses mixed with
creosote - though Mr. Persson himself did not advocate this
procedure as an adjunct to the internal treatment, the idea
having apparently originated with certain doctors.

Since the first edition of this booklet was published, such
remarkable reports have come in from people in this country
(Great Britain) who have been able to employ the treatment with
Molasses alone, that it is not extravagant to say that Molasses
is THE cure par excellence for arthritis. Here are some of the
cases, spectacular in the rapidity of the cures.

Lady, turned 70. Complete fixation of hip joints for three years.
Knees could not be flexed. Much pain and

* See Section 24, p.81.

fatigue. Injections given by allopathic doctor, but with no
beneficial results whatever. Finally a specialist suggested a
costly operation, but could not promise a success. The patient
delcined the operation, heard of the Molasses treatment and
decided to try it. After thirtysix doses, she could walk without
sticks and her knees had become so flexible that she could even
kick her posterior with her heels!

Another case, Lady of 40 years of age. Bad arthritis in knees and
hip joints. Much pain, unable to walk without sticks. Was induced
to try Molasses. After one week was able to swing her legs
without pain and to flex her knees.

Still another case, though improvement less rapid. Old man. Could
only hobble about with the aid of two sticks. Took Molasses in
the prescribed manner, and in four weeks was able to discard his
sticks. Many more cases could be added did space permit.

It is worthy of note that worry is conducive to arthritis. In
fact there are cases where a great shock or worry has caused a
temporary relapse. In such cases it is of great importance to
continue the treatment, seeing that worry uses up the potassium
salts in the blood and tissues, therefore trouble is likely to
ensue if these are not replenished. Sugar-cane Molasses is here
especially important, as the type made from beet sugar is less
rich in phosphates, though it has not been devoid of good results
where arthritis is not aggravated by worry. In any case, patients
who have taken even the beet variety have noticed a marked
improvement in their general health in a surprisingly short time,
as also an improvement of the arthritic condition. All the same,
it should be stressed that the cane Molasses is much superior to
the beet Molasses, and hence should be used if procurable.



People whose blood is in perfect condition do not suffer from
ulcers, especially from a chronic state of ulceration. It is true
that doctors can usually cure isolated abscesses, on the other
hand such afflictions as ulcerated legs have proved very
difficult to heal by orthodox medical methods; though I do happen
to know of one doctor who has cured hundreds of very bad cases
with his own particular methods. But that is by the way; we are
here concerned with ulcers and ulceration cured by no other means
than by Molasses. A few years ago a certain doctor in New Zealand
was so much afflicted with ulcers that his own skill proved
insufficient to cure them. In fact, this doctor was very ill and
would doubtless have remained so had he not heard of the
Molasses-treatment and was open-minded enough to try it. The
upshot was that after taking Molasses for a given period, all his
ulcers vanished and he was restored to excellent health.

According to practitioners of the Biochemic System of Medicine,
ulcers do not occur unless there is some deficiency of certain
mineral salts in the blood and tissues. As Molasses, if taken
over the requisite time, makes good that deficiency, it is not
surprising to hear that gastric ulcers have also yielded to the
treatment. Indeed the site of the ulcer is not of great
importance, seeing that when the blood and tissues are supplied
with the essential salts and vitamins to maintain their health,
in many cases the local manifestation of the trouble
automatically disappears. As all sensible healers know without
the telling it is foolish and futile merely to treat the local
condition - which is only an effect - without removing the prime
cause; the untenable supposition being that the body is not a
unity and that the parts can be divided from the whole. The
rational method of treatment is, where indicated, to treat both
locally and internally, as in the case of external ulcers, and
also skin diseases, as the following case shows.

To be continued


Every person is unique - different - we need to keep in mind that
what works for one person may not work for another person.

I had read three decades ago (back from today January 2012) about
the impostance of getting enough minerals in our body. Hence I
started to make sure I was taking a vitamin/mineral tablet each
day (now they have even better ones on the market). I had from
age 5 years always loved black licorice made from crude black
Molasses, and so was eating it from age 5 to this very day. The
combination of the vitamin/mineral tablet plus eating black
licorice every week, may well have a lot to do with my good head
of hair and a good portion of my natural hair color to this day,
at nearly 70 years of age (being 70 on 9/11/2012).

1 comment:

  1. My parents had a farm in NZ, and I can remember my father using (I am sure was) Black strap molasses blocks for the cattle, which they loved and would lick at the block. The animals had beautiful coats and were healthy animals and I remember him saying that we look after our animals better than we do ourselves..
