Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Iron Lady movie

Meryl Streep has always been one of my favorite actors. The acting job she does as Margaret Thatcher in "The Iron Lady" is quite incredable. She should be given a gold medal for her performance.

The movie .... maybe could have been longer, say about half an hour or more longer, to do justice to a remarkable lady. Margaret Thatcher was the first ever lady Prime Minister of Britain. And did for a short spell bring back Britain to be "GREAT" again. She was Prime Minister for 11 and 1/2 years - so far the longest run as Prime Minister in British history.

Margaret had no dream of being Prime Minister as the movie brings out - she just wanted to "shake things up" some among the men. It was the men of her Conservative Party that saw in her the ability to lead their Party to victory and hence she would be Prime Minister.

She married a man who was devoted to her, was quite happy to see her "do her thing" and they had a wonderful marriage and relationship.

It is a somewhat unusual setting the movie takes - an old Margaret Thatcher, after the death of her husband, and with as mind that goes back and forth. I guess it is the reality of the life and mind of some who go into their 80s.

She was wise enough to take her husband's wisdom and "resign" after 11 and 1/2 years .... as he kindly told her, "You must resign now for this time you cannot win."

Yes a very well done and fine movie .... I give it two thumbs up and at least 8.5 out of 10.

And Meryl .... you are one of the greatest actors ever.

By the way folks, Meryl has been married to the same guy for 35 years, a Hollywood rare marriage that has stood the test of time. Great on you gal!!

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