Saturday, January 14, 2012

MOLASSES - Conlusion #8



It may be thought that I have made too many claims for this
"wonder-food," so I will conclude with a note of warning. That
great German naturopath, Louis Kuhne,* maintained that he could
cure all diseases with his therapy but that he could not cure all
patients. His meaning should become obvious as soon as we reflect
that to say we cure a disease is only a half-truth, for what we
really mean is that we cure an individual ... or should do, if we
are not incompetent bunglers and he is curable at all. Now not
only are no claims made that Molasses-therapy can cure every
disease, but no claim is even made that it can cure all patients
suffering from the disorders mentioned in these pages.

*Neo-Naturopathy The New Science of Healing by Louis Kuhne.
Published by Benedict Lust Publications, P.O. Boa 404, New York,
N.Y. 10156.

If a patient resorts to Molasses-therapy when it is already too
late, it stands to reason that he cannot be cured. Nevertheless,
numerous patients have been restored to health by this natural
and harmless means when orthodox methods have entirely failed.
Many letters have been received from grateful erstwhile sufferers
- among them doctors and clergymen - saying that "since taking
Molasses I am an entirely new man." The reason is obvious to
students of biochemistry and dietetics; such people having fed on
deficiency foods have then taken Molasses and thereby, perhaps
for the first time in their lives, have supplied the essential
elements which their bodies needed. All the same, if they
discontinue taking Molasses, they are likely in the course of
time to suffer again, for potassium salts are the salts in
particular which require constant replenishing; moreover, as
biochemists point out, they are the most soluble salts
(especially pot. phos.) and are easily lost when foods are cooked
or boiled. Hence the advisability of taking Molasses at any rate
once or twice a day even when in good health should be
emphasized. This is all the more imperative, because, in addition
to the deficiency-diet on which the majority of people live, the
consumption of salty and soda-impregnated foods has vastly
increased of late years. To this fact Dr. Henty Smalpage
(Australia) attributes the much greater prevalence of tumours,
cysts and cancerous growths. His contentions in his book on
"Cancer," if considered in conjunction with those of the late Dr.
Forbes Ross, are highly significant. If the sodium salts absorbed
from soda-impregnated foods in far too large quantities, and also
the table salt used as a condiment, are not counteracted by
potassium salts constantly replenished there is the liability of
growths or arthritis developing. The reason is that all this
unus-able amount of soda is not eliminated via the kidneys but
manifests as a "lump" in some people or as tha debilitating
condition termed rheumatoid arthritis Potassium salts, however,
effect this elimination and thus the danger is greatly minimized.
The most natural way of getting these salts into the system is by
taking Crude Black Molasses.


Since writing the above, some significent case-histories have
come to hand from Mr. Victor S. Welsford of South Africa, who is
doing much valuable service in the interest of health. Here is an
arthritis case. Gentleman; in bed for three months with
rheumatoid arthritis of such severity that he could hardly move
his arms and hands. After having fifty electric and thermal
treatments, he was informed that nothing more could be done for
him. He then started Molasses therapy with the result that after
3-4 months his health is in so far normal that he merely
experiences slight twinges of pain in wet weather. Mr. Welsford
further reports the case of a lady whose state was so serious
that after resorting to Molasses, "she seems to be arising
practically from a condition leading to death...."



Extracts from the late Dr. Forbes Ross's book, "Cancer: Its Cause
and Cure" long out of print.

(1) "The negroes of the West Indies on sugar plantations who have
in the past shown a singular immunity from cancer, have always
been most prodigious consumers of crude sugar. Crude sugar
contains a large proportion of potassium salts, which for the
most part is removed from the white or refined article. Being
convinced from experience that the alkaline balance was really a
matter of the amount of potassium present in the blood, I
proceeded to work on the lines of taking care of the potassium
supply of the body and leaving the sodium, calcium and magnesium
to look after themselves, because whatever happened their supply
at any time would be kept up by food and drink, so that it was
only necessary to attend to the supply of the one salt which was
likely to vary in quantity to the other salts in the body, that
salt being potassium."*

(2) "We will now consider the action of potassium on the hair. If
an elderly person, suffering from gout, failure of the heart, or
cancer, be made for a certain length of time, say six weeks, to
artificially take into his or her body, a definite and ordered
amount of potassium, the following change in the hair will
certainly take place. If the hair be previously grey or iron grey
it will become generally darker. The first localities of the
scalp which will be found to show this change, in white or grey
hair, will be a darkening of colour on the temples and the nape
of the neck. These preliminary changes will be followed by the
appearance of some normally coloured new hairs throughout the
whole extent of the scalp, with the exception of those parts
which had ceased to have any hair bulbs from which hair could
possibly grow. So striking is the change that many elderly lady
patients have been accused by their friends and relations of
resorting to artifice to produce the resultant darkening and hair
rejuvenescence as a result of taking potassium salts."

"The next point was that at first the scales which were removable
from the skin of the body by friction with the hands or towel
after the bath, were at first increased in quantity, and then
occurred a gradual diminution of the total amount of epithelial
scales lost from the surface of the skin, which then gradually
sank to only that loss associated with younger persons."

"... The therapeutic agent that will cure cancer will be an agent
which forms a natural constituent of the body in health, and
therefore one which the body unconditions of disease will make
use of to return to conditions of health. The body can only make
use naturally of a natural means or force to effect the
spontaneous cure of any disease. No medicinal treatment known to
man is ever successful unless the body makes use of one of its
natural means as the result of that medicinal treatment in order
to return to healthy condition. No disease, whether spontaneously
cured or by means of drugs, ever recovers except by reason of the
natural forces and constituents of the body..."


As, according to analysis, Molasses contains pantothenic acid,
some further reflections on this factor the Vitamin B complex may
prove instructive. Pantothenic acid (as the name implies) is
widely distributed in both the vegetable and animal kingdoms has
sometimes been called "yeast-growth substance," or
"chick-antidermatitis factor"; and when there is a deficiency of
it in the animal organism, skin, feathers, hair, as also the
gastro-intestinal and respiratory systems are adversely affected.
In rats the deficiency leads to the greying of the fur, and in
mice to baldness. After using synthetic pantothenic acid, plus
some other gredients, on human subjects, certain American re-
searchers noticed such effects as growth of new hair, a more
healthy and lustrous appearance of the hair together with a
tendency towards a reversion to its original colour. Thus it
would seem that pantothenic acid acts to some extent as a "hair
restorer." But if so, it is not exclusively the pantothenic acid,
seeing that before this substance was discovered, grey hair in
some cases reverted to its original colour as the result of
taking potassium, in accordance with Dr. Forbes Ross's formula.
And so where Molasses has likewise acted as a natural hair
restorer, it is not unreasonable to assume that the effect has
been produced by the combination of potassium and pantothenic
acid, whilst probably the iron and copper in Crude Black Molasses
have also been contributing factors.

It is interesting to note that, according to a brief report in
the J.A.M.A. (November 24th, 1945), Dr. W. Stepp, of Munich, had
been successfully employing synthetic pantothenic for chronic
bronchitis. But, as the late Dr. Clarke, of Edinburgh, wrote some
years ago vitamins, etc., should be absorbed from the foods we
eat. Dame Nature is a better chemist than the scientist!

Water ...21.9%
Albuminoids ...10.5%
Carbohydrates ...60.4%
Ash ... 7.2%

100% Starch Eq. 48.

Rich in Potassium. Poor in Calcium and Phosphorous.

The author writes:

With all due respect to Dr. Forbes Ross, it is doubtful whether
the majority of people do absorb a sufficiency of calcium and
magnesium salts from the foods they eat, hence they would be well
advised to include Molasses in their daily diet, seeing it is not
only rich in potassium salts but also in calcium, magnesium and
iron; in a word, it is the "perfect food."


When this was written by the author, Molasses was no doubt found
to contain so much that it was considered "the perfect food" -
this has since been "outdone" shall be say by the science
discovery that BEE POLLEN contains so many vitamins and minerals,
it is now considered the "perfect food."

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