Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Joyful Noise movie

I'd seen the short trailer on this movie and thought yes I'll go to see it.

I was wondering why it was only playing in certain theaters.

Now I've seen it I understand.

It is a quote "Christian" movie - Jesus is spoken and sung about. And "God" does have a central theme.

It brings in some of the issues "Christians" may go through in various stages of life, so teens with this or that issue as well as adults.

There are some nice slow "Christian" songs in it that go with the ups and downs of the people in the movie.

But the bottom line.....it is definitely a "Christian" movie that wants to lead you out of the old traditional ways of worship in song towards the heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, into the modern LOUD, JIRATE AROUND, and into a "Pentecostal" type of joyful loud noise, with the body and arms and legs going all over the place. And so you have the loud rock beat, with the usual that goes along with it in such noise (the movie is well named - J....NOISE) ..."PRAISE TO BE JESUS, PRAISE BE TO JESUS, I SAID PRAISE BE TO JESUS, YES PRAISE BE TO JESUS....and etc. over and over again.

With many of the church organizations today I guess this movie, especially for the teens, is "in the Jesus grove" as they may put it.

We know David danced joyfully when in his time the ark was brought back to the people of Israel. But the "modern" type of joyful noise praise goes far beyond what the musicians and dancing David and his band of musical players did. This is the typical Pentecostal "work yourself up into a frenzy" and next stage is "out of control" in mind and body.

You think maybe I do not know....you will be wrong. I've been in such Sabbath keeping congregations in my lifetime, and seen it all too dramatically shown, out of control so-called "joyful noise" and I've walked out!!

It is the kind of out of control in mind and body that gives the demons plenty to walk right in and sit right down.

In parts of the Christian world this type of "joyful noise" is growing more and more in popularity; among teens especially.

If it takes this kind of "joyful noise" to keep teens under the name "Christian" then their personal experience with Christ .... it just ain't there. Getting all worked up so mind and body become a blur and words are repeated over and over and over again, like a broken record as we used to say back in "carbon" and "LP" days, then indeed the question must be asked, "Are those teens and people really in a personal relationship with Christ?" For sure some may think they are, but I fear they do not yet see the folly of their mind and body being in such an "out of zone" position. And when everyone else around is doing the same thing, it feeds upon itself, and becomes like a tidal wave of uncontrolled emotions.

Even with good lessons of life the movie brought out, with the overall of its theme I give it two thumbs down!!

Tonight on CBC news they had a 10 minute or so information clip on "re-coloring your eyes" - in a way I did not know existed. Literal implants in the eye, so you can choose what exotic color you desire. But such is NOT available in the USA or Canada. You have to go to some South American country to have the operation. It is very risky and can give you much trouble, even to blindness. Hence North American eye doctors DO NOT recommend you take that route if you want different colored eyes.

About 15 years ago I was at a gas station; went it to pay; a young lady was serving me with these "cannot take your eyes off her out-of-this-world blue eyes." I had to ask her if they were really her natural colored eyes. She said no they were contacts.

Then about 5 years ago there were two CBC TV news cast ladies (not young ladies - going on to middle age ladies) that had been around for years. They came on the TV with these same "out-of-this-world" blues eyes. I emailed them at CBC and asked them if that was their true colored eyes. Never got a reply, but many others must have done the same thing, for shortly afterwards their out-of-this-world blues eyes were gone!

Well if you want to change the color of your eyes, do it with contact lenses and not any implants!!

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