Friday, January 13, 2012




Considering the amount of assimilable iron and calcium in
Molasses, it is not surprising to hear that many cases of
anaemia, have been cured by taking the aliment. The orthodox
treatment of anaemia, which consists largely in the
administration of some preparation of iron in large doses for a
long time, is not only unsatisfactory but is often attended with
unpleasant results in the form of digestive disturbances. The
reason is obvious to all naturopaths, for iron and calcium should
be absorbed from some natural food and not from some medicinal
preparation however scientific it is supposed to be. As for that
grevious form of anaemia known as pernicious anaemia; I was not
at all astonished to hear that it also had yielded to Molasses
therapy and that Mr. Persson was able to report quite a number of
cures. Indeed, I hardly expected otherwise, considering some
years ago I heard from a lady correspondent that she had been
entirely cured of pernicious anaemia by taking, on the advice of
a "quack," a dessertspoonful of Fowler's Black Treacle twice
daily. As, however, Crude Black Molasses contains a greater
concentration of mineral salts than black treacle, theoretically
I argued that it should prove even more effective. Thereafter
came the reports showing that the theory had proved correct.



And apropos of theories: as Molasses has been shown to diminish
growths, cause them to drop off, or make them automatically
disappear, there is good reason to suppose that the potassium
salts in Molasses should prevent or cure prostatic enlargement in
elderly men. But although there are cases to hand of bladder
trouble and difficult urination, as Mr. Persson is not a doctor
and doesn't profess to be one, the exact nature of these cases
has not been specified. Nevertheless, some of them do suggest
prostate troubles, as, for instance, the following: Old man.
Great difficulty in urinating. Was about to enter hospital
because of stoppage. Was then urged to take Molasses, and also to
chew plenty of parsley. Result - he finally got well and did not
have to go into hospital. Other cases of bladder trouble (though
they may not have been connected with the prostate) have yielded
to Molasses-therapy combined with the imbibing of plenty of
parsley juice or parsley water.



There is a treatment for gall-stones, which consists in taking
Molasses in the prescribed manner plus 3-4 teaspoonsful of olive
oil every day. This treatment is not so farfetched as may appear
on the surface, considering that copper and several of the other
minerals to be found in Molasses are used by biochemists of the
Schussler School as remedies for this agonizing condition. As to
the olive oil its function is obvious. But were I personally
afflicted with gall-stones I should be more inclined to use
"Dutch Drops," otherwise known as Oil of Haarlem,* in place of
the olive oil; and this because I have known Dutch Drops to cure
gall-stones after a variety of treatments had been previously and
unsuccessfully tried. It is very probable, however, that Molasses
would enhance the treatment. It is also probable that the
inclusion of Molasses in one's daily diet would act as a

* Oil of Haarlem consists of sulphurated oil with a little
refined turpentine.



The effects of the Molasses-treatment on bad nerves and
war-neurosis have been so pronounced that the wives of soldiers
returned from the war have noticed the striking improvement in
their husbands and have expressed their gratitude for all that
Molasses has done for these unfortunate sufferers. As for nervous
children, they have benefited so greatly that whole families are
now being given daily doses of the aliment as an adjunct to their
diet. The treatment has not only benefited their nerves but has
also made them healthier and stronger in every way.



Many prospective mothers who have been advised to take Molasses
during the term of pregnancy have not only had easy confinements
but have given birth to unusually healthy infants.
The menopause is said to be, and often is, a very difficult time
with women. But this, in a large number of cases, must be
attributed to years of wrong feeding, and a deficiency of mineral
salts and vitamins. It is, therefore not surprising to hear that
the Molasses-treatment has proved of enormous value to women at
this critical period of their lives.



Dr. Forbes Ross, in his book on Cancer, mentioned the beneficial
effect of potassium salts on brittle and crumbling finger nails.
Similar effects have been ob served after taking Molasses for
even a week or two; brittle or crumbling nails having regained
their firmness. There is also, in many cases, a noticeable
improvement in the hair; a fact which Dr. Forbes Ross likewise
mentioned in connection with his potassium treatment.* Some women
who had been prematurely grey, were even wrongly accused of
resorting to hairdye, seeing that their hair had regained its

* See Appendix 1, pare. 2; also Appendix 11.

colour. Indeed the fact that the taking of Molasses should in
some instances restore the pigment of the hair opens up a new
field for speculation and investigation as to the real cause of
premature greynessunless attributable to shock or intense grief.
For it shows that grey hair must be primarily due to a lack of
some particular ingredient in the human body, an ingredient which
is present in Molasses. To assume, however, that the missing
ingredient was potassium alone would not be safe, in that
Molasses contains other salts; and so did the Forbes Ross formula
for growthsit contained, among other things, a certain small
percentage of iron, though he considered the potash the most
important..... But I will not enlarge on this matter.



A man with a large lump below the knee (diagnosed as cancer)
decided to have it extirpated. But prior to the operation he was
induced to take a course of the Molasses-treatment. The
subsequent speedy and perfect healing of the wound was commented
on by his physicians. This is no isolated case. Mr. Persson
informs me that judging from many reliable reports received, the
evidence goes to show that when surgery has been resorted to for
one reason or another, the healing processes have been much
facilitated and accelerated when the patient has taken a course
of Molasses prior to and following the operation.

Here is another instructive case: A woman was operated on for the
removal of a lump, presumably thought to be cancerous. Before the
operation she had been taking Molasses for some time; with the
result that the growth was "dead," and when the surgeon came to
use the knife, it was only hanging on by a mere thread .... This
case, if it really was malignant, is instructive in view of what
Dr. Forbes Ross pointed out over thirty years ago, namely that by
means of the potassium treatment, growths lost their malignancy
and became, so to say, dead; in which case an operation, if
necessary at all, was a much easier matter and far less likely to
lead to a recurrence as the result of scarred tissue which
provides a fertile soil for malignancy if the blood and cells are
deficient in potassium salts. What we always need to remember in
this connection is that surgery merely deals with an effect and
not with the prime cause, and hence it is not surprising that
under orthodox treatment there is sooner or later a return of the
original disease in the form of a new growth.
Which brings us to the following reflections.

To be continued

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