Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The FASTER expanding Universe!!

So as of tonight the latest on the expanding universe. They have known the universe is expanding for some time, but they used to think it would re-bound back in on itself and back to a BIG BAG as like it started with. Now they no longer think that.

The space scientists see the universe EVER expanding, with the outer galaxies moving faster away from us than the ones closer to us. Which throws them for a loop as that is strange to have - defies the natural logic of throwing a ball - which gets slower as it goes further out.

Now add to that, the fact that the universe is expanding in ALL directions.

So the scientists now see that the black energy (as they call it) which they admit they do not understand, is pushing out the universe at ever faster speed, so that means more BLACKNESS will coming between the galaxies. And of course in their time machine, given enough time, blackness will be all around us as the galaxies move away further and further from us and from each other.

Now why does all this seem to have a law in motion, a law that is everywhere, pushing out the universe everywhere. Why did not evolution have some parts pushing out and others not. Why so many laws that are everywhere. I mean we have the law of gravity all around the earth, why not just in parts, and so have complete chaos here and there on earth.

So we have this law of "pushing out the universe" in all directions, and the outer parts moving faster than the inner parts.

The answer that God rejecting and evolution scientists do not want to admit, is that there is an ALMIGHTY GOD out there that has a working hand in all the universe, according to His will and plan.

The plan for human kind and this planet called "earth" (one evolutionist scientist did not like that either, and said our planet should be called "water" not "earth") - which God named by the way, is all told to us in God's book the Bible. You can go to my website and learn all about that master plan, well up to a certain time point in future history. Down the never ending road of eternity we will have to wait and see what the God of this universe has in mind; but for the closer time frame we are told what's going to happen to this earth; told in the Bible prophecy.

It's all expounded for you on my website.

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