Monday, October 17, 2011

The Pride of the Yankees - movie

I was in one of our local stores about two weeks ago and came across the movie "The Pride of the Yankees" - the story of famous Lou Gehrig, the Baseball player for the Yankees for about 16 years.
I knew of him, for the diseases he died from is in layman's language called "Lou Gehrig's disease." It has one of those nearly impossible names to pronounce, at least the first word, so it is also just called ALS. There is still no cure for it, and it does in time kill you. Back in Gehrig's day killed you within a few years.
You can go online to learn about it.

The movie is no doubt one of Gary Coopers finest movies, as he plays Lou Gehrig. Yes it is about Baseball to some extent, but really only on a secondary level. The story is about the man Lou Gehrig. It is the story of family love - and Lou and his parents. It is the story of romantic love - Lou and his wife. It is the story of friendship love - Lou and Babe Ruth (who plays himself by the way) and other team-mates.

It is the story of life that can both give lots of good things to you and life that can hand you out some tough cards, some that can even kill you. It is the story of how you take them when they come - the good and the bad.

It is an inspiring movie of a man that did not live a long life, no where near the average age, but a man who faced up to what was handed to him, and left a lasting legacy of courage for the rest of us.

It's a touching, heartwarming in many ways indeed, inspiring movie about life and love.

Yes a movie well worth having in your home movie library, especially if you are still raising children.

It has some very interesting and informative "special features" - originally done by Samuel Goldwyn. I'm sure you will find it on

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