Saturday, October 29, 2011

Taliban do it again!!

As I've said for 9 years or so, you cannot win against a Taliban mind-set that uses suicide bombers to kill you.

They stuck again at Kabul, killing 17 ... 12 Americans and 1 Canadian included.

When the two "B" (Bush and Blair) boys took Britain and the USA and others into a war in Iraq and Afghanistan, they were bonkers with wrong "spy-information" (even showing us satellite photos) on supposed weapons of mass destruction that Iraq had (which they did not - so the movie "Green Zone" was all about). And 9 years later with nearly 5,000 soldiers dead from the USA alone and 32,000 injured, missing body parts and many with mental disabilities, we think, or we are told that we have supposedly "won against terrorists" - someone has to be staying up all night thinking about ideas on how to fool us all.

This latest should in no uncertain way tell us the Taliban is well and healthy except when they kill themselves in suicide attacks to kill us.

The Taliban are still out there in those barren wilderness hills of Afghanistan; they wait, they pull back, they make us think they have disappeared; we move in, they pull back, they go to the hills they've lived in for decades and know like the back of their hand. They are patient, they wait, they plan, they circle like a tiger plans and circles its prey. The prey think all is well and there is no enemy, but the sneaky killer  sneaks around, just waiting and waiting for the right moment ..... then ..... it pounces, it attacks, with the deadliest attack possible ..... a bomb strapped to itself ..... and ..... 17 they take with themselves to paradise heaven, well they think they go there, to heaven (the enemy probably to hell or wherever the Taliban enemies go to in their theology) to enjoy a dozen virgin women in an eternity of sexual pleasure. I believe that is part of their fanatical religious teaching.

When will we learn you cannot win against such mad-men theology. When will we learn you cannot fight such men with such a mind-set, on and in the hills of wild barren mountains as Afghanistan has. When will we learn from history ..... the mighty Russian Empire tried it for 10 years and finally had to put its tail between its legs and remove its troops and go home. When will we learn that ivy league University guys like Blair and Bush do not have common sense logic in their brains, but are full of the vain "we'll kick some ass" mind-set, but could not see  any further than their nose, that after dropping the bombs, they'd have to go in with ground to ground, hand to hand combat, which the Taliban with "we'll kill you as we are willing to kill ourselves" are only all too well skilled in such combat.

So it goes..... 17  more killed .... 12  USA and 1  Canadian included .... more body bags and burials to attend.

Yes in this President Obama you are correct. We need to bring our troops home, we need to bite the bullet (that is a terrible but true pun) and get fully off the soil of Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to put our money and efforts into securing our borders and keeping the terrorist from killing us on our soil, but fighting them on their soil .... is crazy, and will only result in more of our young people coming home in body bags.


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