Monday, October 10, 2011

USA people still Protesting!!

Good for the average USA person - they are still marching and protesting the rich Wall/Fall Street guys.

They got rich, still get rich, bankers and CEO fellows still getting big bonuses, some banks bailed out from the tax payers.

The latest tonight on USA news - the average 1 percent of the rich in America get OVER ONE MILLION dollars a year. The average 90 percent of Americans get $31, 000 a year.

Some jobs were created last month, but the unemployment is still 9.1 percent - millions still out of work.

The two USA parties are still fighting over how to create jobs; they are making it a job to figure out how to make jobs, which they are having a job of a time doing.

The average "rich" - that one percent, their income went UP about 1/2 a percent in last year. The average 90 percent talked about went DOWN by about 1/2 a percent.

Yes the average USA man/woman is seeing in no uncertain terms the CRAZY inequality in the wage structure of this American nation.

And of course we have not mentioned the CRAZY high money that Sports and Film stars get. You talk about a nation that is IMBALANCED and out-of-touch with the real reality of life, it has to be the USA nation. And it falls back on its LEADERS!!! And I mean ALL its leaders from BOTH the Democrats and Republicans - they are as God says in His word "mad" - they are mental madmen.

Oh you know Johnny Cash died;  you know Bob Hope died;  you know Steve Jobs just died.  Well no jobs, no cash .... no hope!!  Yes I think Bob would laugh at that one, if it wasn't so serious a matter.

So Romney wants to run for the Republican representative for the next USA President election next year.

He's a MORMON.....and so the Mormonism a CULT?

Well YES IT IS!!!

They hold the silly book of Mormon on a par with the Bible. They have ADDED to the Bible and the Bible gives no uncertain words of condemnation to those who ADD or TAKE AWAY from the word of the Lord.
When I was 19, I had these two well-dressed young guys (about may age) come knocking on the door, they were Mormons. I had never heard of them (coming from England at age 18). I invited them in, they asked if they could come in and talk. They gave me a book of Mormon and asked if they could come back in two weeks to talk. I said sure, okay. I was raised on the Bible. I read the book of Mormon, and could see it was from planet Pluto - way off from another world, the Satanic world to be frank. And the Mormon founders - Joseph Smith and others, were fruit-nut-cases, with lots of nuts.

The two guys came back two weeks later and we got into Bible subjects, like death, then what, and etc. I ran rings around them. They knew just about nothing the Bible said or taught. They got red in the face, and very angry, I mean literal anger in their voices. They slapped their Bible closed, standing up and the one who was the leader said, "Well the Bible is too hard to understand, that is why we have the book of Mormon." And they both with anger walked out.

Yes the Mormon church is a CULT, BUT then again so is the ROMAN CATHOLIC church A CULT! And so are all the Protestant churches, they are CULTS ALSO. It is just that one cult differs from another cult in its theology. They are ALL WRONG in their Christian theology!!

The true children of God and the true followers of Christ are the SALT of the earth, a little sprinkled here and there. They are the VERY LITTLE flock as Jesus said it in the Greek. The great Babylon Mystery religion of the book of Revelation has DECEIVED this WHOLE world, and every nation upon it.

You want to find TRUE Christianity, the truths of God's word?  You need to go to my website ( and there you will discover it all its wonderful GLORY.

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