Saturday, January 5, 2013

YES....SEX is GOOD for you!!

MSN.COM today had a revealing segment on HOW  SEX  IS  SO  GOOD  FOR  YOU!!

Well most married couples have known it, but being told the "science" on 8 points as why sex is good for you, just makes you realize the good things God created and gave to us.

NOW sex should be WITHIN the law the Eternal put down ---  in MARRIAGE ONLY!

And just because we are given the hormones to have sex does NOT mean we automatically know HOW to go about it. This is true especially for the MALE.

In the open world we live in, with all our knowledge and education, it may surprise many that I say a LOT of MEN do not know how to go about having a really good sex life with their wife.

Yes it is called "foreplay" and I've met many a man in my lifetime who for years in their marriage had little clue about good foreplay, and hence robbed their wife of much pleasure and enjoyment.

SO if you men in marriage have not read any good books on sex and especially the "foreplay" part, then you need to do yourself and you wife a good deed, a fine, even beautiful present......and learn about foreplay in sex.

God created sex in marriage, and he created it to be of supreme pleasure and yes HEALTHY for you.

Go to for Saturday January 5th and learn how good it is for you.

Okay, not married, single, no intention of being married or re-marrying, that's fine also, you can still be healthy, for being healthy covers many parts of your physical life, in many other ways than being married and having sex.

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